
供水平仪MD183485 型号:SmartTool库号:M183485

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  • SmartTool型号
  • 1测量精度
北京 海淀区 1天内发货 111个
北京海富达科技有限公司 14年
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<>水平仪MD183485&nbs;型号:SmartTool<>库号:M183485 &nbs;&nbs;<>包含smarttool的角度传感器测斜模块和铝制框架。24英寸的smarttool是众多的木匠,农民,水管工,混凝土工,和爱好者的,准度和度出其他任何数字水准仪。这是检查和建设者的斜坡和地板,依照美国(ADA)的标准严格要求

Simle to use
SmartTool ermits you to find level and lumb in two ways. For quick references, use the sensitive bubble vials. For highly recise work, use the digital dislay on the Sensor Module. It rovides accuracy to 1/10 of a deee. But the real advantage of the SmartTool is that it also reads all the other angles bubble vials do not. So when you are not dealing with level or lumb, SmartTool quickly tells what the angle is and what the angle needs to be. And only SmartTool allows you to measure angles three different ways: deees, ercent sloe, and itch (rise over run).

Read in Deees
Set saw blade angles to a fraction of deee accuracy with SmartTool. Assure there is no ga when you join 2 cuts together with .1 deee accuracy. You can easily dulicate a stair angle for setting handrails and never again will you be measuring to and bottom to make sure stair treads and rails are arallel.

ercent Sloe and itch
In the ercent sloe mode the SmartTool allows you to read angles to meet requirements for er connections, ADA rams, and ading. And showing liance is merely a matter of ointing to the dislay. SmartTool also gives you roof itch readings -- in inches of rise er foot of run -- right on the dislay. No two-handed measurements, no conversion calculations, and no mistakes.
Listen and Level Audio Feature
Have tasks where you really can not see the SmartTool but need instant feedback? Then turn on the audio beeer. When turned on with a single button, SmartTool lets you hear when your task is at level or lumb. This can be eat when shimming rojects, leveling buildings, ool tables or other rojects where you need immediate feedback but are not in a osition to see the dislay. This can leave your hands free to adjust, nail, or screw the roject in lace when you hear the bee telling you it is where you want it.
The hold button makes it easy to measure in areas where the digital dislay is not visible. Take the measurement, ush the hold button, and then bring the SmartTool in front of you to see your reading.<>

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