
HI801 iris 多功能可见分光光度计 哈纳HI801iris 可见分光光度计

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iris 多功能可见分光光度计










<0.1%T (NaNO2在340nm)




















1cm 正方体、1*5cm长方体、φ16mm、φ22mm、φ13mm圆柱型比色皿


0-3.0 Abs






0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F);0 to 95% RH 无冷凝











*Please note, reagents are not included but can be purchased here.

ParameterRangeResolutionAccuracy (at 25 °C)MethodWavelengthReagent Code
Absorbance0.000 to 3.000 Abs0.001 Abs

5 mAbs at 0.000-0.500 Abs
1% at 0.500-3.000 Abs

Alkalinity0 to 500 mg/L (as CaCO3 )1 mg/L±5 mg/L ±5% of readingColorimetric Method610 nmHI775-26
Alkalinity, Marine0 to 300 mg/L (as CaCO3 )1 mg/L±5 mg/L ±5% of readingColorimetric Method610 nmHI755-26
Aluminum0.00 to 1.00 mg/L (as Al3+)0.01 mg/L±0.04 mg/L ±4% of readingAdaptation of the aluminon method.525 nmHI93712-01
Ammonia, Low Range0.00 to 3.00 mg/L (as NH3 -N)0.01 mg/L±0.04 mg/L ±4% of readingAdaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1426 Nessler method.420 nm HI93700-01
Ammonia, Medium Range 0.00 to10.00 mg/L (as NH3 -N)0.01 mg/L±0.05 mg/L ±5% of readingAdaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1426, Nessler method420 nm HI93715-01
Ammonia, High Range 0.0 to 100.0 mg/L (as NH3 -N)0.1 mg/L±0.5 mg/L ±5% of readingAdaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1426, Nessler method420 nm HI93733-01
Bromine 0.00 to 8.00 mg/L (as Br2 )0.01 mg/L±0.08 mg/L ±3% of readingAdaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, DPD method525 nm HI93716-01
Calcium0 to 400 mg/L (as Ca2+) 1 mg/L ±10 mg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the Oxalate method466nm  HI937521-01
Calcium, Marine 200 to 600 mg/L (as Ca2+) 1 mg/L ±6% of reading Adaptation of the Zincon method610 nm  HI758-26
Chemical Oxygen Demand, Low Range0 to 150 mg/L (as O2 )1 mg/L±5 mg/L or ±4% of readingAdaptation of the USEPA 410.4420 nmHI93754A-25
Chemical Oxygen Demand, Medium Range0 to 1500 mg/L (as O2 )1 mg/L±15 mg/L or ±4% of readingAdaptation of the USEPA 410.4610 nmHI93754B-25
Chemical Oxygen Demand, High Range0 to 15000 mg/L (as O2 )1 mg/L±150 mg/L or ±2% of readingAdaptation of the USEPA 410.4610 nmHI93754C-25
Chloride 0.0 to 20.0 mg/L (as Cl) 0.1 mg/L ±0.5 mg/L ±6% of reading Adaptation of the mercury(II) thiocyanate method466 nm  HI93753-01
Chlorine Dioxide 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (as ClO2 ) 0.01 mg/L ±0.10 mg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the Chlorophenol Red method575 nm  HI93738-01
Chlorine, Free Ultra Low Range 0.000 to 0.500 mg/L (as Cl2 ) 0.001 mg/ ±0.020 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Method 4500-Cl G525 nm  HI95762-01
Chlorine, Free Low Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (as Cl2) 0.01 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the EPA DPD method 330.5 525 nm HI93701-01
Chlorine, Free High Range 0.00 to 10.00 mg/L (as Cl2)0.01 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the EPA DPD method 330.5 525 nm HI93734-01
Chlorine, Total Ultra Low Range 0.000 to 0.500 mg/L (as Cl2 ) 0.001 mg/L ±0.020 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the EPA recommended Method 330.5 525 nm HI95761-01
Chlorine, Total Low Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (as Cl2) 0.01 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the EPA DPD method 330.5 525 nm HI93711-01
Chlorine, Total High Range 0.00 to 10.00 mg/L (as Cl2) 0.01 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the EPA DPD method 330.5 525 nm HI93734-01
Chlorine, Total Ultra High Range 0 to 500 mg/L (as Cl2 ) 1 mg/L ±3 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-Cl525 nm  HI95771-01
Chromium (VI), Low Range 0 to 300 μg/L (as Cr(VI)) 1 μg/L ±10 μg/L ±4% of reading Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1687 Diphenylcarbohydrazide method525 nm  HI93749-01
Chromium (VI), High Range 0 to 1000 μg/L (as Cr(VI)) 1 μg/L ±5 μg/L ±4% of reading at 25 °C Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1687, Diphenylcarbohydrazide method 525 nm HI93723-01
Color of Water 0 to 500 PCU (Platinum Cobalt Units) 1 PCU ±10 PCU ±5% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Colorimetric Platinum Cobalt method420 nm 
Copper, Low Range 0.000 to 1.500 mg/L (as Cu) 0.001 mg/L ±0.010 mg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the EPA method575 nm  HI95747-01
Copper, High Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (as Cu) 0.01 mg/L ±0.02 mg/L ±4% of reading Adaptation of the EPA method 575 nm HI93702-01
Cyanide 0.000 to 0.200 mg/L (as CN-) 0.001 mg/L ±0.005 mg/L ±3% of reading Pyridine-Pyrazalone 610 nm HI93714-01
Cyanuric Acid 0 to 100 mg/L (as CYA) 1 mg/L ±1 mg/L ±15% of reading Adaptation of the turbidimetric method 525 nm HI93722-01
Fluoride, Low Range 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (as F) 0.01 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, SPADNS method575 nm  HI93729-01
Fluoride, High Range 0.0 to 20.0 mg/L (as F) 0.1 mg/L ±0.5 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, SPADNS method 575 nm HI93739-01
Hardness, Calcium 0.00 to 2.70 mg/L (as CaCO3 ) 0.01 mg/L ±0.11 mg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Calmagite method 525 nm HI93720-01
Hardness, Magensium 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (CaCO3 ) 0.01 mg/L ±0.11 mg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, EDTA Colorimetric method 525 nm HI93719-01
Hardness, Total Low Range 0 to 250 mg/L (as CaCO3 ) 1 mg/L ±5 mg/L ±4% of reading Adaptation of the EPA recommended method 130.1466 nm  HI93735-00
Hardness, Total Medium Range  200 to 500 mg/L (as CaCO3 ) 1 mg/L ±7 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the EPA recommended method 130.1466 nm  HI93735-01
Hardness, Total High Range 400 to 750 mg/L (as CaCO3 ) 1 mg/L ±10 mg/L ±2% of reading Adaptation of the EPA recommended method 130.1 466 nm HI93735-02
Hydrazine 0 to 400 μg/L (as N2H4 ) 1 μg/L ±4% of full scale reading Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, method D1385, p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde method 466 nm HI93704-01
Iodine 0.0 to 12.5 mg/L (as I2 ) 0.1 mg/L ±0.1 mg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, DPD method 525 nm HI93718-01
Iron, Low Range 0.000 to 1.600 mg/L (as Fe) 0.001 mg/L ±0.010 mg/L ±8% of reading Adaptation of the TPTZ Method 575 nm HI93746-01
Iron, High Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (as Fe) 0.01 mg/L ±0.04 mg/L ±2% of reading Adaptation of the EPA Phenanthroline method 315B, for natural and treated waters 525 nm HI93721-01
Magnesium 0 to 150 mg/L (as Mg2+) 1 mg/L ±5 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the Calmagite method 466 nm HI937520-01
Manganese, Low Range 0 to 300 μg/L (as Mn) 1 μg/L ±10 μg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the PAN Method 575 nm HI93748-01
Manganese, High Range 0.0 to 20.0 mg/L (as Mn) 0.1 mg/L ±0.2 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Periodate method525 nm  HI93709-01
Maple Syrup 0.00 to 100.00 %T 0.01 %T ±3% of reading Direct measure 560 nm HI93703-57
Molybdenum 0.0 to 40.0 mg/L (as Mo6+) 0.1 mg/L ±0.3 mg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the mercaptoacetic acid method 420 nmHI93730-01
Nickel, Low Range 0.000 to 1.000 mg/L (as Ni) 0.001 mg/L ±0.010 mg/L ±7% of reading Adaptation of the PAN method 575 nm HI93740-01
Nickel, High Range 0.00 to 7.00 g/L (as Ni) 0.01 g/L ±0.07g/L ±4% of reading Adaptation of the photometric method 575 nm HI93726-01
Nitrate 0.0 to 30.0 mg/L (as NO3 - N) 0.1 mg/L ±0.5 mg/L ±10% of reading Adaptation of the cadmium reduction method525 nm  HI93728-01
Nitrate, Chromotropic Acid 0.0 to 30.0 mg/L (as N03--N)0.1 mg/L±1.0 mg/L or ±3% of reading Chromotropic acid method 410 nm HI93766-50
Nitrite, Marine Ultra Low Range 0 to 200 μg/L (as N02 -N) 1 μg/L ±10 μg/L ±4% of reading Adaptation of the EPA Diazotization method 354.1 466 nm HI764-25
Nitrite, Low Range 0 to 600 μg/L (as NO2 -N) 1 μg/L ±20 μg/L ±4% of reading Adaptation of the EPA Diazotization method 354.1 466 nmHI93707-01
Nitrite, High Range 0 to 150 mg/L (as NO2-) 1 mg/L ±4 mg/L ±4% of reading Adaptation of the Ferrous Sulfate method 575 nm HI93708-01
Nitrogen, Total Low Range 0.0 to 25.0 mg/L (as N) 0.1 mg/L ±1.0 mg/L or ±5% of reading Chromotropic acid method 420 nm HI93767A-50
Nitrogen, Total High Range 10 to 150 mg/L (as N) 1 mg/L ±3 mg/L or ±4% of reading Chromotropic acid method 420 nm HI93767B-50
Oxygen, Dissolved 0.0 to 10.0 mg/L (as O2 ) 0.1 mg/L ±0.4 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Azide modified Winkler method 420 nm HI93732-01
Oxygen Scavengers (Carbohydrazide) 0.00 to 1.50 mg/L (as Carbohydrazide) 0.01 mg/L ±0.02 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the iron reduction method 575 nm HI96773-01
Oxygen Scavengers (Diethylhydroxylamine)(DEHA) 0 to 1000 μg/L (as DEHA) 1 μg/L ±5 μg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the iron reduction method 575 nm HI96773-01
Oxygen Scavengers (Hydroquinone) 0.00 to 2.50 mg/L (as Hydroquinone) 0.01 mg/L ±0.04 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the iron reduction method 575 nm HI96773-01
Oxygen Scavengers (Iso-ascorbic Acid) 0.00 to 4.50 mg/L (as Iso-ascorbic acid) 0.01 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±3 % of reading Adaptation of the iron reduction method 575 nm HI96773-01
Ozone 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (as O3 ) 0.01 mg/L ±0.02 mg/L ±3% of reading Colorimetric DPD Method 525 nm HI93757-01
pH 6.5 to 8.5 pH 0.1 pH ±0.1 pH Adaptation of the Phenol Red method 525 nm HI93710-01
Phosphorus, Marine Ultra Low Range 0 to 200 μg/L (as P) 1 μg/L ±5 μg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, Ascorbic Acid method 610 nm HI736-25
Phosphate, Low Range 0.00 to 2.50 mg/L (as PO4 3-) 0.01 mg/L ±0.04 mg/L ±4% of reading Adaptation of the Ascorbic Acid method 610 nm HI93713-01
Phosphate, High Range 0.0 to 30.0 mg/L (as PO4 3-) 0.1 mg/L ±1.0 mg/L ±4% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Amino Acid method 525 nm HI93717-01
Phosphorous, Reactive Low Range0.00 to 1.60 mg/L (as P)0.01 mg/L±0.05 mg/L or ±4% of readingAdaptation of the EPA method 365.2 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-P E, ascorbic acid method.610 nmHI93758A-50
Phosphorous, Reactive High Range0.0 to 32.6 mg/L (as P)0.1 mg/L±0.5 mg/L or ±4% of readingAdaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-P C, vanadomolybdophosphoric acid method.420 nmHI93763A-50
Phosphorous, Acid Hrdyolyzable0.00 to 1.60 mg/L (as P)0.01 mg/L±0.05 mg/L or ±5% of readingAdaptation of the EPA method 365.2 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-P E, ascorbic acid method.610 nmHI93758B-50
Phosphorous, Total Low Range0.00 to 1.15 mg/L (as P)0.01 mg/L±0.05 mg/L or ±6% of readingAdaptation of the EPA method 365.2 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-P E, ascorbic acid method.610 nmHI93758C-50
Phosphorous, Total High Range0.0 to 32.6 mg/L (as P)0.1 mg/L±0.5 mg/L or ±5% of readingAdaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-P C, vanadomolybdophosphoric acid method.420 nmHI93763B-50
Potassium, Low Range 0.0 to 20.0 mg/L (as K) 0.1 mg/L ±2 mg/L ±7% of reading Adaptation of the Turbidimetric Tetraphenylborate method 466 nm HI93750-01
Potassium, Medium Range 10 to 100 mg/L (as K) 1 mg/L ±10 mg/L ±7% of reading Adaptation of the Turbidimetric Tetraphenylborate method 466 nm HI93750-01
Potassium, High Range 20 to 200 mg/L (as K) 1 mg/L ±20 mg/L ±7% of reading Adaptation of the Turbidimetric Tetraphenylborate method 466 nm HI93750-01
Silica, Low Range 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (as SiO2 ) 0.01 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D859, Heteropoly Molybdenum Blue method 610 nm HI93705-01
Silica, High Range 0 to 200 mg/L (as SiO2 ) 1 mg/L ±1 mg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the USEPA Method 370.1 for drinking, surface and saline waters, domestic and industrial wastes and Standard Method 4500-SiO2 466 nm HI96770-01
Silver 0.000 to 1.000 mg/L (as Ag) 0.001 mg/L ±0.020 mg/L ±5% of reading Adaptation of the PAN method 575 nm HI93737-01
Sulfate 0 to 150 mg/L (as SO42-) 1 mg/L ±5 mg/L ±3% of reading Sulfate is precipitated with barium chloride crystals 466 nm HI93751-01
Surfactants, Anionic 0.00 to 3.50 mg/L (as SDBS) 0.01 mg/L ±0.04 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the USEPA method 425.1 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 5540C, Anionic Surfactants as MBAS 610 nm HI95769-01
Zinc 0.00 to 3.00 mg/L (as Zn) 0.01 mg/L ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Zincon method 575 nm HI93731-01

**  Reagents for 50 tests.†  Unless noted otherwise, all reagent codes ending with -01 are for 100 tests.

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