
德国米克朗MIKRON HSM高速铣加工中心维修,系统修理

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  • 13798538887售后服务
广东 深圳 3天内发货 111台
深圳市英威兴达科技有限公司 6年
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德国米克朗MIKRON HSM高速铣加工中心维修,系统修理,控制器,伺服驱动器,伺服马达,编码器,NC主板等故障修理

MIKRON HSM LP 系列将切屑加工提升至了一个新的时代。走刀路径无比,即使在高速进给的情况下也能凹凸加工面的表面质量。因此,对许多客户来讲,这就是高速铣削的刀路纹理 – 地讲,这种在工件上的刀路性,是MIKRON重要的加工性能之一。因为在长时间高进给速率加工中驱动部件中总要产生大量的热量,而MIKRON HSM LP系列拥有极为的热能处理系统。所有的线性轴和旋转轴单元拥有独立的冷却循环系统。这确保了所产生的多余热量能及时被排出而不会散入机床内部。这种恒温的特点了非常高的移动精度一致性。MIKRON HSM 400 LP和400U LP系列在上述两方面了新的里程碑。

Machine工作台承重X, Y, Z 行程l

HSM 400 LP120 kg500 x 450 x 360 mm



X, Y, Z 行程l

HSM 400 LP

120 kg

500 x 450 x 360 mm

HSM 500

High speed milling has never been so easy...

经验表明,特别是对加工工模具所需的小铣刀的应用条件,只有高于40000 min-1的切削速度、高速进给和充分的利用加速度,才能真正体现高速铣的。这些基本要求就需要调整机床的所有部件设计生产使之全部符合HSC技术要求。这是为什么米克朗HSM全系列机床从机床基础结构、高速主轴、数控系统、进给驱动、每个机床轴的机械结构和自动化控制系统,均以高速铣技术为原则进行设计制造的原因。

Machine工作台承重X, Y, Z 行程l

HSM 500200 kg500 x 450 x 350 mm



X, Y, Z 行程l

HSM 500

200 kg

500 x 450 x 350 mm

HSM 500 LP

High speed milling in compact format.

The MIKRON HSM LP series leads precision chip removal into a new era. Precise adherence to the specified tool path even under high feed rates ultimately determines the surface quality of concave and convex surfaces. Hence, for many customers, it is the milling texture or, to be more exact, the lack of it on the workpiece that is one of the most important performance characteristics of a MIKRON machine.

Because high amounts of heat always develop in the drive groups over prolonged periods at high axis feed rates the MIKRON HSM LP series has a sophisticated thermal management system. Each of the linear axes and the roundswivel unit have their own cooling circuit. This ensures the heat is systematically drawn from the machine and not dissipated or distributed in the machine. The outcome is a geometric stability that guarantees extremely high repeatability of movement guidance.

Machine工作台承重X, Y, Z 行程l

HSM 500 LP200 kg500 x 450 x 360 mm



X, Y, Z 行程l

HSM 500 LP

200 kg

500 x 450 x 360 mm

HSM 600 LP

Universal approach to mold-making and production

The HSM LP series (LP=Line are Performance) were designed for ultimate precision and supreme surface quality. The necessary design measures focus on the machine bed, cooling, axis drives, motion control and tool measurement. These vertical highspeed machining centers, developed for tool and mold manufacturing as well as medium and small series production of high quality parts, combine the Swissmachine manufacturers entire technical expertise and extensive development experience.

GF AgieCharmilles.

Machine工作台承重X, Y, Z 行程l

HSM 600 LP500 kg600 x 600 500 mm



X, Y, Z 行程l

HSM 600 LP

500 kg

600 x 600 500 mm

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