
聚丙烯吨袋pp吨包袋 四吊塑料集装袋多型号pp太空袋

  • 热封焊接产品特性
  • 加工定制
  • 塑料材料
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1. 结实耐用:吨包袋采用高强度塑料材料制成,具有较高的抗拉强度和抗压性能,能够承受大量物料的重压和摩擦,不易破损。

2. 防水防潮:吨包袋具有优良的防水和防潮性能,能够有效保护袋内物料不受潮湿和水分影响,保持物料的质量和原有性能。

3. 防尘防静电:吨包袋表面光滑,具有一定的防尘功能,能够防止灰尘和杂质对物料的污染。同时,吨包袋还具有一定的防静电功能,能够有效防止静电对物料的影响。

4. 方便搬运:吨包袋设计有吊带,方便搬运和提升袋子。吊带采用高强度材料制成,能够承受大重量的物料,提高搬运效率,减少人力成本。

5. 环保可循环利用:吨包袋采用塑料材料制成,具有良好的回收性能,可进行循环利用,减少对环境的污染。FIBC bags (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container) are known by several names in the bulk bag industry, such as FIBC bulk bags, super sacks, bulk bags, totes, one-ton bags, and jumbo bags. Whatever name you know them by, they are used for moving dry products from one location to another.   

There are many different types of FIBC bags to enable numerous dry products to be loaded safely.  From simple to super complex specifications, these bags are sturdy enough to hold 5,000 pounds of dry material and transport it safely to a destination. Many industries use FIBC bags regularly, including the food, chemical, pharmaceutical, and mining industries, and many more.

Types of FIBC Bulk Bags

Type A

Used to transport non-flammable dry products.  This type of Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container or  bulk bag is not manufactured with any anti-static properties, so this type will not eliminate static electricity.  This type of material is not safe to transport any dry product which could be explosive or flammable.

Type B

Type B Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers are manufactured with insulating fabric and can be used with combustible dust with MIE greater than 3mj.  However, this type cannot be used with any product containing flammable vapors or gases MIE <3mj.

Type C

Type C FIBC bags are used for safely shipping both combustible and flammable products.  This bag has conductive threads laced throughout the material and must be electrically grounded with a wire to work properly.  This type will eliminate the risk of static electricity.

Type D

This bag type is comparable to Type C bags, but due to the material construction, you are not required to physically ground the bag.  Chromiq Blue material is the leading manufacturer of this material.

Always check with a certified FIBC bulk bag company to ensure you are using the correct bag type to reduce the chance of any safety issues.  FIBCA also has really good information about the correct type of bag to use for your specific product.

Certified Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container (FIBC)

Food Grade Certified FIBC Bulk Bags

Certified Bags means the bags were made in a manufacturing facility that has been certified by a company licensed to audit the facility to ensure all safety protocols are being followed when manufacturing.  Several companies will audit the plants to certify them as suitable to manufacture food-grade bags.  Some are BRC, IFS, FSSC, and SQF.

Pharmaceutical Grade Certified FIBC Bulk Bags

Pharmaceutical FIBC bulk bags are manufactured with the most stringent processes to ensure there are no foreign materials in the bags when completed.  These must go through an additional process to vacuum out, run through metal detectors, etc.  There are thorough audits that must take place to certify a manufacturing plant to produce pharmaceutical FIBC bulk bags.  We are able to make any custom bag you may need.

How many types of FIBC bags are there?

There are six main types of Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers.  They are circular, u-panel, four-panel, baffle bags, vented bags and dewatering bags.  These are discussed below.



Circular bulk bags are the least costly bag to produce, as the body of the bag is made exclusively by machines. Essentially, they start with a tube and then sew on the type of bottom and top.  These are durable bags, as they have fewer seams where issues can arise.


This design is like the four-panel bulk bag allowing it to keep its square shape while having less stitching.  The less stitching you have on a bag, the less chance of a failure while loading and shipping the product.  Therefore, this FIBC bag design will fall in between circular and four-panel bags regarding durability and maintaining more of a square shape.


This bag is made using four separate panels which are then sewn together.  This type of bag is going to maintain a better square shape vs. a circular bag.  However, it will not support as much weight as a circular bag due to the additional sewn-in seams.

Baffle Bags

This type of FIBC bulk bag has baffles down the corners of the bag to allow material to flow into the baffles while loading.  The bag only works with dry products which are small and flowable, as they must be able to load into the baffles without getting impeded.  Plastic resin pellets, corn, soybeans, and rice are good examples of products that do well in these bags.  The benefit of a baffled bag is that it will remain very square and allows solid stacking ability.

Vented Bags

This bag has special material which allows the bag to breathe and is good for food items such as potatoes, or other vegetables which may be prone to mold while transporting.

Dewatering bags

For special draining circumstances

Industrial Products Shipped with FIBC Bulk Bags


Mining is a perfect industry to utilize FIBC bulk bags, as mines are usually in a remote setting and tend to ship the product globally.  These bags are ideal for this environment and can easily be transported out into the field, are easy to load, and are waterproof.

Minerals shipped in FIBC bags

Calcium carbonate
Magnesium hydroxide
Magnesium oxide
Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
Titan dioxide
Barium sulfate


Many different types of sand are shipped in FIBC bags in several industries:

· Frac Sand – Used mostly for oil drilling where they are using horizontal drilling called Fracking. This sand is very hard and is better at holding open cracks to recover as much oil and gas as possible.  These bags are perfect for taking the sand to a remote oil rig.

· Silica Sand – used in asphalt shingles, mortar, and others

· River Sand – Least expensive and used for many low-grade applications


Base concrete can be shipped in these bags and then easily lifted to dump them for either moving in bulk locally or at a building site to mix the final concrete mixture with aggregate on site.

Chemicals (Hazardous/Non-Hazardous)

Both hazardous and non-hazardous chemicals are shipped extensively in FIBC bulk bags.  The reason these are used so much is that they can be UN certified, remotely shipped, and easily shipped overseas.  Some chemicals cannot be exposed to either oxygen or moisture, so many different liners can be used to ensure they are completely sealed. 

Plastic Resin

The resin market is highly dynamic and must be ready to move the resin pellets or powder to any location around the world.  Pricing sometimes dictates to ship in the country and other times to other countries.  With the product loaded into FIBC bulk bags, the destination can be quickly changed at a moment’s notice.

Carbon Black

Many FIBC bags are used extensively in the carbon black industry.   These bags will be black in color most of the time, as a white bag will get discolored as soon as the carbon black hits the bag.  Carbon black is very airy and needs to be contained, so bulk bags are ideal for shipping them to any location. 

Pharmaceutical Industry


Pharma companies must maintain the most stringent safety practices when shipping their products.  They use FIBC bulk bags extensively as they are the perfect transport medium to protect the pharmaceuticals which will ultimately be used to produce medicines.

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