◎结构简单,成本较低,通用性强;◎定制化的型腔结构,可适配不同特性的涂布液;◎模唇开口通过更换不同厚度的垫片进行调节,搭配高精度的模唇,涂布均匀性好;◎快速开合模体结构,方便清洗和保养狭缝涂布工艺是在一定压力下,将稳定的、定量的涂布液由料流输送系统经过模头入料口输送至模头型腔内,再通过模头内部岐管或型腔均匀分配到模头的整个宽度范围,沿模具开口缝隙挤出并转移到基材表面上。模头是狭缝涂布的关键部件,超高的模头精度,是确保涂布均匀性的关键因素。The slot coating process is to transport a stable and quantitative coating liquid under a certain pressure from the material flowsystem to the die head cavity through the die head inlet, and then evenly distribute it to the entire width range of the die headthrough the internal manifold or cavity of the die head. It is extruded along the die opening gap and transferred to the surface ofthe substrate. The die head is a key component of slit coating, and the ultra-high precision of the die head is a key factor in ensuringcoating uniformity.