Halar® 6514
Chemical category
ECTFE (Ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene)
Halar® 6514 is a black, semi-crystalline melt processable fluorinated primer. It is designed to be applied directly to substrates by electrostatic or fluidized
Product functions:Low VOC, Sour Gas Resistant, Alkali Resistant, Acid Resistant, Alcohol Resistant, Detergent Resistant, Hydrolysis Resistant, Low Moisture Absorption, Dielectric Properties, Flame Retardant, High Hardness, Creep Resistant, Good Impact Resistant, Low CLTE, UV Resistant, Radiation (Gamma) Resistant, Good Adhesion, Autoclave Sterilizable (steam), E-beam Sterilizable, Radiation Sterilizable, Ethylene Oxide Sterilizable, Heat Sterilizable, Low Temperature Flexibility, High Heat Resistant