
施诺依专业纳米喷镀机 纳米喷镀药水配方免费教程

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施诺依专业纳米喷镀机 纳米喷镀药水配方免费教程




After 11 years of production and development of nano-spray plating equipment, Schnoy has introduced a nano-spray plating machine with strong applicability and low personnel requirements. It can adjust the proportion of raw materials output by controlling the acquisition environment conditions by a micro-computer. Even inexperienced workers can easily get started.

Nano-spray plating is a chemical application of chemical silver. It is fine-tuned according to the composition and climate. These technical requirements are operated according to the actual environment in the production process. Powerful large companies will customize the scheme according to the customer's use environment. They will not impress customers through cheap publicity like small workshops. Products without after-sales service are not mature products. Greed for small gains and take big losses.






Jinan Snoy Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Jinan High-tech Zone. The company is committed to the research and development and promotion of technology, equipment and materials based on good faith. Quality is the basis for the survival of enterprises. Our technicians, dedicated service and strict quality control are the commitment of investors.

The company's main products: intelligent nano-spraying machine, spraying equipment, nano-spraying raw materials, nano-spraying technology training, non-programming automatic hub wire drawing machine, programming hub wire drawing machine, laser automatic scanning hub wire drawing machine, probe automatic measuring hub wire drawing machine, induction knife automatic measuring hub wire drawing machine, various hub shaping machine, various specifications of drying oven, etc. With the development of the times, the public's pursuit of beautiful things is getting higher and higher, which brings higher and higher requirements to the maintenance service industry. In order to better serve customers and improve the technical level of maintenance service personnel, Schnoy provides free training of imitation plating repair technology, hub wire drawing repair technology, hub shaping technology training, color painting technology training, headlight refurbishing technology training. Training on repairing technology of plastic decorative parts. The company can also provide door-to-door, remote, Wechat teaching training for customers.

The company will sincerely cooperate with friends from all walks of life to create a better tomorrow with high quality products and services.








济南施诺依科技有限公司拥有专业的技术团队 ,材料齐全 ,自动化设备,各方面的问题都有专业的咨询顾问为您解答。如果大家遇到什么难题欢迎致电济南施诺依 电话 :13969165129我们真诚欢迎您


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