主营:专业策划定做宣传册、招商***手册、产品样本册、DM单张、公司logo设计 vi设计、企业画册、不干胶、宣传海报、信封、单张彩页、纸杯、手提袋、名片等设计制作。
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桐乡招商手册设计公司 桐乡企业招商册制作
Merchant manual three not:
1, do not put all the information in the business manual is reflected in the.
If all the enterprise information displayed in the Handbook, firstly, and competition is a good opportunity to obtain information; second is not conducive to achieve the same dealer direct face-to-face, manual is a carrier of information, eventually also need people who can communicate directly to cooperate, if merchants this information is too full, it may not attract part of the dealer's appetite, directly from the dealer's business interests, so the investment manuals related to the specific content of the policy, to try to let dealers have a psychological association, have direct communication with the enterprise desire.
2, do not deliberately form imitation.
Many enterprises, especially the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises in liquor merchants manual planning, often used to imitate the past many large enterprises and successful enterprise investment manual measures to improve the direct impact of their force, but often backfire, because these successful merchants manual has been formed in the minds of the majority of dealers impression. If you imitate all information about your dealer will have the feeling of doubt that your competition is not real show. So in the investment manual planning must be kept in mind, do not be able to imitate, we must give full play to their personality, planning their own personality of the investment manual.
3, do not be afraid to waste production funds.
Many enterprises invested in advertising investment on the "excluding section", shot that is generous, but in the design of a handbook on it over, finally showed no self value, but both dealers and a bad first impression. So love album recommended enterprises in the planning and issuance of investment manual, try not to be too harsh on the cost.
桐乡企业***册制作 桐乡***手册印刷排版 桐乡产品***手册设计。