43123008500000 R901106596 VUCN-10A
43125002700000 R901106616 VUCN-16A
43132005800000 R901109780 VUCN-20A
43404108500000 R930000552 Pilot operated check, pilot to close VUPC-10A
41208038510000 R901097726 Relief pilot operated spool type VSPN-10A
41210035710000 R930000334 Relief pilot operated spool type VSPN-12A
OD1531183AS000 R901082015 Solenoid cartridge valves, pilot operated poppet 2 way normally closed VEI-8A-06-NC 560
R901096072 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-10A 10 040501008502000
R901096079 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-10A 10 040501008504000
R901096080 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-10A 10 040501008508000
R901096083 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-10A 10 040501008516000
R901096085 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-10A 10 040501008525000
R901096086 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-10A 10 040501008530000
R901096087 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-10A 10 040501008540000
R901096089 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-16A 10 040502002704000
R901096090 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-16A 10 040502002706000
R901096091 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-16A 10 040502002709000
R901096092 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-16A 10 040502002713000
R901096093 Flow divider and combiner DRFN-16A 10 040502002716000
R901097726 Relief pilot operated spool type VSPN-10A 10 041208038510000
R901097730 VSPY-10A (Handknob and Locknut adj. available) 10 041305038520000
R901098796 Relief direct acting poppet type VS-5-CN * 10 04115803991000A
R901098895 Relief direct acting poppet type VS-5-CN * 10 041158039946000
R901099066 Relief direct acting poppet type VS-5-CF * 10 04115703991000A
R901099072 Relief direct acting poppet type VS-5-CF * 10 041157039920000
R901099117 Relief direct acting poppet type VS-5-CF * 10 041157039935000
R901099135 Relief direct acting poppet type VS-5-CF * 10 041157039946000
R901099735 Counterbalance, relief compensated poppet type, differential area VBSP-20A 10 045413035820000
R901099795 Counterbalance, relief compensated poppet type, differential area VBSP-20A 10 045413035835000
R901099896 Pilot operated check, pilot to open VSON-08A 10 04330610560000A
R901100471 Standard manifolds (common cavity, size 08, aluminium-steel) 10 OC1009042
R901100497 Standard manifolds (common cavity, size 08, aluminium-steel) 10 OC1009048
R901100524 Standard manifolds (common cavity, size 08, aluminium-steel) 10 OC1009046
R901100531 Standard manifolds (common cavity, size 08, aluminium-steel) 10 OC1009047
R901100626 Standard manifolds (common cavity, size 10, aluminium-steel) 10 OC1009116
R901100629 Solenoid operated valves, 2-way 2-positions special cavity VEI-CS-8A-09 3 OS1505173B0300
R901100638 Standard manifolds (common cavity, size 10, aluminium-steel) 10 OC1009115
R901100734 Standard manifolds (common cavity, size 10, aluminium-steel) 10 OC1009117
R901100747 Standard manifolds (common cavity, size 10, aluminium-steel) 10 OC1009118
R901100773 Coils - connectors 10 OD02170G03OB00
R901100775 Coils - connectors 10 OD02170G03OC00
R901104066 Pressure reducing and relieving, direct acting spool type VRPR-10A 10 04950403850100A
R901104068 Pilot operated check, pilot to open VSON-08U 10 04330610200000A
R901104079 Flow and pressure control with external pilot VLST-10A 10 048401038500000
R901104094 Relief direct acting poppet type VSAN-08A 10 041148035610000
R901104097 Relief direct acting poppet type VSAN-08A 10 041148035620000
R901104099 Relief direct acting poppet type VSAN-08A 10 041148035635000
R901104100 Relief direct acting poppet type VSAN-08A 10 041148045635000
R901104103 Relief pilot operated spool type VSPN-10A 10 041208038535000
R901104104 Relief pilot operated spool type VSPN-10A 10 041208048535000
R901104112 VRPP-10A (Handknob and Locknut adj. available) 10 049306038510000
R901104113 VRPP-10A (Handknob and Locknut adj. available) 10 049306038520000
R901104395 Solenoid cartridge valves, pilot operated poppet 2 way normally closed VEI-8A-12-NC 5 OD1505213AS000
R901104412 Solenoid cartridge valves, pilot operated poppet 2 way normally closed VEI-8A-12-NC 5 OD1531213AS000
R901104415 Solenoid cartridge valves, pilot operated poppet 2 way normally open VEI-8A-12-NA 5 OD1532211AS000
R901106468 VRPX-10A (Handknob and Locknut adj. available) 10 049307038520000
R901106472 VSPY-10A (Handknob and Locknut adj. available) 10 041305038510000
R901106473 VSPY-10A (Handknob and Locknut adj. available) 10 041305038535000
R901106592 Check, poppet type VUCN-08A 10 043120005614000
R901106596 Check, poppet type VUCN-10A 10 043123008500000
R901106602 Check, poppet type VUCN-10A 10 04312300851500A
R901106615 Check, poppet type VUCN-12A 10 043128005715000
R901106617 Check, poppet type VUCN-16A 10 043125002702000
R901106619 Check, poppet reverse type VURN-08A 10 043121005602000
R901106622 Check, poppet reverse type VURN-10A 10 043127008500000
R901106623 Check, poppet reverse type VURN-10A 10 043127008502000
R901106632 Pilot operated check, pilot to open VSON-10A 10 04330510850000A
R901106634 Pilot operated check, pilot to open VSON-12A 10 043307105700000
R901106636 Pilot operated check, pilot to open VSON-16A 10 043308102700000
R901106638 Pilot operated check, pilot to open VSON-12U 10 04330700860000A
R901106639 Pilot operated check, pilot to open VSON-12U 10 04330710860000A
R901106640 Pilot operated check, pilot to open VSON-16U 10 043309004700000
R901106641 Pilot operated check, pilot to open VSON-16U 10 043309104700000
R901106642 Pilot operated check, pilot to close VUPC-12A 10 043404105700000
R901106643 Flow control, 2-way pressure compensated fully adjustable VRFB-10A 10 040202408520000
R901106645 Flow control, 2-way pressure compensated fully adjustable VRFB-10A 10 040202408540000
R901106646 Flow control, 2-way pressure compensated fully adjustable VRFB-10A 10 040202048520000
R901106648 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401038504000
R901106652 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401038506000
R901106657 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401038508000
R901106659 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401038509000
R901106660 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401038511000
R901106661 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401038514000
R901106662 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401038520000
R901106663 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401038526000
R901106664 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401048504000
R901106665 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401048506000
R901106666 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401048508000
R901106667 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401048509000
R901106668 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401048511000
R901106669 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401048514000
R901106670 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401048520000
R901106671 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, partially adjustable VRFC-10A 10 040401048526000
R901106672 Flow control, 3-way pressure compensated, fully adjustable VRFD-10A 10 040402408520000