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揭阳市惠来揭西县嘉实多PAO全合成机油销售代理处    汽车发动机机油分类

  通常有矿物质油,合成油,植物性机油三类; 机油的粘度等级一般采用国际SAE级划分,SAE是美国汽车工程师学会的英文缩写,SAE等级代表油品的粘度等级。又有单级油和多级油之分,如SAE30、SAE40为单级油,SAE10W-30、SAE15W-40为多级油。其中,“W”代表冬季,前面的数字越小说明低温黏度越低,发动机冷启动时的保护能力越好;“W”后面的数字则是机油耐高温性的指标。

  按SAE法分类机油,冬季用油有6种;  夏季用油有4种,冬夏通用油有16种。冬季用油牌号分别为:0W、5W、10W、15W、20W、25W,符号W代表冬季,W前的数字越小,其低温粘度越小,低温流动性越好,适用的***气温越低;夏季用油牌号分别为:20、30、40、50,数字越大,其粘度越大,适用的气温越高;冬夏通用油牌号分别为:5W/20、5W/30、5W/40、5W/50、10W/20、10W/30、10W/40、10W/50、15W/20、15W/30、15W/40、15W/50、20W/20、20W/30、20W/40、20W/50,代表冬用部分的数字越小,代表夏季部分的数字越大者粘度越高,适用的气温范围越大。

  机油质量的等级按API等级划分;  API是美国石油学会的英文缩写,它采用简单的代码来描述发动机机油的工作能力。

  API发动机油分为两类: “S”系列代表汽油发动机用油;“C”系列代表柴油发动机用油;当“S”和“C”两上字母同时存在,则表示此机油为汽柴通用型。如“S”在前,则主要用于汽油发动机。反之,则主要用于柴油发动机。According to SAE classification, there are 6 kinds of winter oils, 4 kinds of summer oils and 16 kinds of winter and summer oils. The signs of oil used in winter are 0W, 5w, 10W, 15W, 20W and 25W respectively. The smaller the number before w, the smaller the low temperature viscosity, the better the low temperature fluidity and the lower the applicable minimum temperature Summer oil brands are: 20,30,40,50, the greater the number, the greater its viscosity, the higher the applicable maximum temperature; The winter and summer oil are:

5w/20,5w/30,5w/40,5w/50,10W/20,10W/30,10W/40,10W/50,15W/20,15W/30,15W/40,15W/50,20W/20,20W/30,20W/40,20W/50, representing the smaller the winter oil, the larger the number representing the summer portion, the higher the viscosity, and the wider the temperature range. Engine oil quality is graded by API, Short for American Petroleum Institute, which uses simple code to describe the performance of engine oil. API engine oil is divided into two categories: "S" series stands for gasoline engine oil; "c" series stands for diesel engine oil; when "s" and "C" both letters exist at the same time, it means that this oil is gasoline and diesel general purpose. If "s" in front, then mainly uses in the gasoline engine. Conversely, it is mainly used in diesel engines.

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