安徽亿汇筛网有限公司是一家全能型专业印刷丝网制造商,公司拥有苏尔寿P7100、P7150片梭织机、德国重型织机、智能整经机、英国喷码机、卷验机等进口设备,对原材料测试、整经、织造、初验、清洗、热定型、检验出厂都实行严格的科学管理和品质控制,限度满足用户需求。产品主要分为JFP、DFP、JF、JP、JPP、DPP、PDM6--PDM15、PA、GG、JMG等系列产品,规格齐全12目—500目,宽幅可达390cm,颜色有黄、白、黑色,并通过SGS认证,公司生产的产品:网面平整、目孔***、伸长率低、丝印性能好,主要适用于电子行业、丝绸化纤、陶瓷印花、印制电路板、印花制版、标牌广告、花纸、过滤、箱包、环保等行业。公司拥有一批专业知识较强、理论知识过硬的技术人才。 其中 黑色涤纶丝网、黑色尼龙筛网是电子行家理想规格的辅助材料之一,防尘系列一般在:120目~400目之间.公司采用进口PEP原料,生产的 黑色涤纶网纱规格齐全(20目-500目),宽幅:121cm——390cm,网纱张力、拉力强,使用寿命长优点,广泛应用于汽车灯及汽车音响防尘.电子音响.手机和各种喇叭的防护,防尘等. 公司的宗旨是:以质量求生存,以信誉求发展.欢迎新老客户洽谈业务,来电来函咨询! the company has sur shou P7100, P7150 gripperloom, German heavy machine, intelligent warper, British spurt the code machine,testing machine and so on imported equipment, testing for raw materials,warping, weaving, inspection, cleaning, heat setting, testing at the beginningof the factory has strict scientific management and quality control, themaximum meet the user requirements. Products are mainly divided into JFP, DFP,JF, JP, JPP, DPP, PDM6 - PDM15, PA, GG, JMG, etc. Series of products, completespecifications, 12-500 mesh, the largest up to 390 cm wide, color is yellow,white, black, and through the SGS certification, the products of the company:smooth surface, precision bore, low extension, silk-screen, and mainly issuitable for the electronics industry, silk, chemical fiber, ceramic printing,circuit board printing, advertising, printing, advertising board, color paper,filter, suitcase industry, environment protection, etc. The company has a groupof professional knowledge and reliable technical talents with theoreticalknowledge. Of black polyester silk net, black nylon mesh is one of theelectronic professional ideal specifications of the auxiliary materials, dustseries is in commonly: between 120 mesh to 400 mesh. The company adopts the PEPimported raw materials, production of black polyester net yarn specifications(20-500 mesh), wide: 121 cm, 390 cm, net yarn tension, strong tension, servicelife long advantages, widely used in car lights and car audio dustproof.Electronic sound. Mobile phones and various types of loudspeakers protection,dust, etc. The company's objective is: to the quality strives for the survival,to the credibility of development. Welcome new and old customers to negotiatebusiness, to consulting with us