双向密封刀闸阀(无凹槽刀型闸阀)内腔全衬根据不同工况可衬各种橡胶及四氟或者聚胺酯,提高阀门使用寿命,介质不与阀体直接接触,可耐强酸碱及各种化学物质Bi-directional sealed knife gate valve (non grooved slurry knife gate valve) has a fully lined inner chamber, which can be lined with various rubber, tetrafluoroethylene or polyurethane according to different working conditions, improving the service life of the valve. The medium does not come into direct contact with the valve body, and can withstand strong acids, alkalis, and various chemical substances
进口双向密封刀闸阀 无凹槽刀型闸阀性能描述 Performance description
无凹槽刀闸阀又称双向密封刀闸阀,铸铁阀体采用整体式结构刀闸阀, 包括阀体, 闸板和U 型密封条, 阀体左右两侧及中腔底部设有凹槽并装有弹性U 型密封条, 当阀门关闭时闸板下移, 闸板底部边缘与密封条接触进而压缩密封条进入凹槽中实现阀体和闸板的密封; 当刀闸阀开启时闸板上移, 闸板底部边缘与密封条脱离, 密封条弹起与凹槽平整, 能防止刀闸阀在使用过程中, 介质沉淀物积存在阀体中腔的凹槽里,不易堵塞、***,管道清洗方便,从而有效提高刀闸阀的密封效果, 防止阀门关闭时泄漏
进口双向密封刀闸阀 无凹槽刀型闸阀主要特点 DESIGN FEATURES
阀杆保护套管,避免阀杆受到外部异物喷射 The valve rod protects the sleeve to prevent the valve rod from being sprayed by external foreign matters
位置指示器,显示刀闸阀位置(与限位开关一同安装使用或仅安装位置指示器)retz品牌 Position indicator, indicating the position of knife gate valve (installed with limit switch or only with position indicator)
一体式阀体,坚固抗变形,防止泄露 Integrated valve body, firm and anti deformation, preventing leakage
U型阀座,U型橡胶密封圈,内设龙骨确保阀座强度 U-shaped valve seat, U-shaped rubber seal ring, with keel inside to ensure the strength of valve seat
支架板,坚固、轻便。为环氧漆涂层钢或不锈钢,预留有限位开关、电磁阀和安全保护装置安装孔 The support plate is firm and light. For epoxy coated steel or stainless steel, reserve mounting holes for limit switches, solenoid valves and safety protection devices
防腐蚀涂层环氧烤漆涂层 Anti corrosion coating Epoxy baking paint coating
规格说明 Description
结构长度:GB/T15188.2-94 chart6-7
闸板材质:F55, F53,2205, SS310, SS316L,SS316, SS304
密封材质:NBR, EPDM
适用介质:适用于泥浆、城市污水处理、糖厂、粉体、造纸、医药、 化工、食品等领域