1. 真空玻璃气室方便实时监测提取过程,并能进行121℃热压处理,便于清洁。
Glass chamber allows easy visual monitoring,Also can be autoclavable at 121℃ for sterilzation.
2. 使用真空表和排气阀优化样品流速。
Vacuum gauge and valve assembly can optimize the flow of samples.
3. 配有多种孔径支撑盘满足大多数采样试管,多个档位的支撑架可自由调节支撑盘高度。
bracket can adjust the height freely and satisfy most aperture of the tube.
4. 底部特配有托盘保护玻璃真空气室,防止其磨损。
, The tray at the bottom of the manifold can prevent glass chamber fraying.
Every passage has a valve that regulates the flow of a fluid, you can adjust it according the requirement of experiments.
处理样品数Tube capacity:24