美国DFE(Dover Flexo Electronics)公司从研发张力检测器开始,数十年来一直致力于卷取行业张力控制产品的研发与生产,其产品功能强大、安装使用方便。张力检测器稳定性好,种类齐全,适用于各种应用场合;信号放大器的零漂明显小于其它同类产品;张力控制器安全级别高。DFE所有产品质保期为2年,是解决张力问题的选择。
90 Series Dual Disk Pneumatic Brake
The 90 Series Dual Disk Brake, namedfor its nine-inch (9") diameter disks, offers high performance in a torquerange from 14 lb-inches up to 3,000 lb-inches.
As an integral part of ahigh-performance unwind package, the 90 series brake delivers theappropriate torque level needed for a particular application byallocating actuation of the appropriate number of cylinders, from oneup to four. The term 90 ‘Series’ is derived from ‘9’ inchesplus our use of the second digit in the range of values from 91 to 94to signify the number of friction pads selected for a given brake.
Aside from their heavy-duty, ductileiron disk construction and expanded surface for rapid heatdissipation, 90-Series brakes feature DFE’s time-proven UniversalActuatortechnology: