
IGS Audio 576 Blue Stripe 500系列场效应管压缩器 录音棚设备

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北京 朝阳区 10天内发货 9999台
北京乐城仕国际科技有限公司 3年
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联系人:李经理    电话/微信: 13121637332   QQ:1702700670

576 Blue Stripe

The 576 Blue Stripe is a revised version of the classic FET compressor. 

What it is

The FET-type solution was first used for its application in the legendary UREI 1176 compressor from the 70s. The most important feature inspired by revision A is the input transformer used and pure class A output stage. The compressor is equipped with a relay bypass, 2:1 Ratio and Slam Mode accessible on the front panel.

“true peak limiter with all transistor circuitry and superior performance on all types of material"

What it does

The 576 BS’s major selling point is its ultra-fast attack time — 20 µS. The 576 BS Ratio buttons allow four different modes of operation: 2:1 Ratio (soft compression); 4:1 ratio (moderate compression); 8:1 ratio (severe compression); 12:1 ratio (mild limiting); 20:1 ratio (hard limiting); S – SLAM, All Buttons In trick mode.

SLAM Mode can definitely give a male or female rock vocal track an in-your-face sound that you can’t get anywhere else.

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