PC+ABS (C1110)基础创新塑料(C1110)高抗冲击性
PC+ABS (C1110)基础创新塑料(C1110)高抗冲击性
PC/ABS是一种通过混炼后合成的改性工程塑料。其中,PC就是聚碳酸脂,ABS就是丙烯腈(A)、丁二烯(B)和苯乙 烯(S)的共聚物。这种改性塑料比单纯的PC和ABS性能更好,例如:抗冲击性提高,耐热性提高,硬度提高等等。
2、与372有机玻璃的熔接性良好,制成双色塑件,且可表面镀铬,喷漆处理. 3、有高抗冲、高耐热、阻燃、增强、透明等级别。
4、流动性比HIPS差一点,比PMMA、PC等好,柔韧性好。 5、机械性能的***平衡 6、低温时也具备高冲击强度
7、室内紫外线稳定性 8、较高的热变形温度(80~125℃) 9、耐燃性(UL945VB)
10、色彩范围广泛 11、 易于注塑和挤塑,吹塑加工 12、良好的电镀性 13、一般密度在1.05-1.20间
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C1110 特点: 高抗冲击性
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C1110HF 特点:高流动性,高耐热性,高抗冲击性
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C1150E 特点:高抗冲击性
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C1200HFM 特点:良好的流动,高耐热性
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C1204HF 特点:食品可接触,良好的流动,高耐热性,高抗冲击性
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C1950 特点:低粘度
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C2100 特点:低粘度
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C2100HF 特点:阻燃,良好的流动
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C2800 特点:无溴,无氯,阻燃,良好的流动,抗冲击性
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C2950 特点:无溴,无氯,阻燃,良好的流动,抗冲击性,中等耐热性
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C1200 特点:抗冲击性,高耐热性
PC/ABS 美国沙伯基础创新 cycoloy C1200HF
Huayun Plastic Company East China first-class Agent Dongguan Huayun Plastic Co. , Ltd. Professional Sales Bayblend PC ABS Germany Bayer Koth FR3010 original package, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai first-class agent, a full range of integrity, sister-in-law without cheating, welcome to call adv***ry order, pcabs Germany Bayer Koth FR3010 spot supply original authentic. It's a combination of PC and ABS. Polycarbonate provides impact and thermal deformation resistance, while ABS provides processability and chemical resistance, making the composite cheaper than Pc. 1. Strength and stiffness between PC and ABS 2. Impact resistance is somewhere between ABS and PC (10-14 FT-LB / in)3. Heat resistance is better than ABS and lower than PC 4. The flame retardancy of the process is more stable than that of ABS. Processing performance is better than PC6. The color stability under indoor ultraviolet light is very good. Low temperature impact resistance and toughness. Bayblend pcabs German Bayer Koth FR3010 original baojiang Zhejiang Shanghai first-class agent pcabs processing parameters: processing temperature of the pcabs must be determined and shaped in accordance with the grade, the recommended effective melt temperature should be between 240 and 280 °C for inspection using a pop-up filter cake insert thermometer. Overheating or leaving the melt in the cylinder for too long may result in material loss, I. E. A reduction in force or a surface defect in the data on the injection molded part of the stripe. Thermal decomposition of materials starting at approximately 300 °C for mold heating should be uniform and should be within the recommended range of 70-100 °C and should follow the relevant recommendations. Portable appliances, flashlights, telephones, wheel covers, laptop computer enclosures, non-professional hard hats, keyboards, monitors, printer enclosures, leisure items, indoor and outdoor automotive parts, sporting goods, automotive instrument panel frames, head cover of small tractor. PC / ABS for exterior housing and structural components. These enclosures and components need to have a certain toughness, gloss, impact resistance and heat resistance, these requirements are higher than ABS performance, but the cost requirements are lower than Pc. PC / ABS is also suitable for enclosures that require the UL V0 rather than the 5VA-even for portable rather than * Stationary electronic devices. Other uses are exterior components that require color stability under indoor UV light, interior parts with "above the waist line" for vehicles with a temperature range of 180oF to 230oF, and instrument panel frames that require non-comminuted plasticity. PC / ABS is also used for parts with low temperature impact resistance requirements greater than 10 FT-LB / in, such as automotive exterior painted parts. PC / ABS components for any outdoor use shall be protected by paint. PC / ABS COMMON MANUFACTURERS: Taiwan Chi Mei, Japan emperor, Taiwan, basic innovation SABIC, Bayer Bayer, LG Chem, etc. .