PLC、DCS系统备件 模块
〖⒊〗General electric(通用电气)系列产品》
〖⒍〗销售ABB Robots. FANUC Robots、YASKAWA Robots、KUKA Robots、Mitsubishi Robots、OTC Robots、Panasonic Robots、MOTOMAN Robots
〖⒎〗estinghouse(西屋): OVATION系统、WDPF系统、MAX1000系统备件。
〖⒏〗Invensys Foxboro(福克斯波罗):IA Series系统,FBM(现场输入输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等。Invensys Triconex冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。
〖⒑〗Bosch Rexroth(博世力士乐):Indramat,IO模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。
〖⒒〗Motorola(摩托罗拉):MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列。
据现场测量物理量选型,张力测量仪表分为IP20和IP65两种防护等级,根据安装环境进行选型,型号有:PFEL111 PFEL112 PFEL113.
描述:常规控制单元,能接2个压头,根据应用环境的不同,有IP20和IP65的防护等级,PLC接口信号为0--10V DC , 各种校准和量程参数可以现场设定。
描述:耐酸型枕块式张力计水平测压元件,固定电缆连接,测力范围:0.2~2KN. 用于造纸湿端张力测量,防护等级可达IP66/67
PFCL 201CE-20.0
Wasserbauer is Europe's leading specialist in industrial automation for manufacturing robotic feeding systems. Wasserbauer is recognized as a specialist in feedings systems for cattle and the company’s embedded systems have dramatically improved animal health care: animals cared for by Wasserbauer feeding systems experience the most efficient milk yields, weight control and better health. Wasserbauer selected ITTIA DB SQL to provide data management for its industrial automation and robotic systems. It protects, organizes and shares data between the many tasks and devices that make up a complete system, and offers the best conditions for rational software development with the highest standards of quality for their products.
ITTIA’s platform-independent layered design lets its database be deployed on Linux, Windows and several real-time operating systems. In addition, it can be deployed without an operating system using ITTIA’s C or C++ libraries for highly embedded applications on any platform.
“We work with the client closely, and we test our software in their exact environment,” Montaseri said. “If you have a Renesas platform, we work with you on the Renesas platform. If you have TI, we work with you on that platform. We do the qualifications in the beginning. When we get engaged with the project, we completely work with the client closely so we both can see the same thing. Some even have their own custom hardware; we work with them as well.”The demand for data management on industrial automation systems and devices is growing rapidly, and there is a clear need for development of advanced software to deliver new features on fixed hardware specifications. The needs of industrial automation system developers are evolving as systems become more intelligent, so it is worth finding partners who can support that evolution.