
T8110B系统ICS系列产品卡件 进口原装备货库存优势

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T9100, T9110, T9300, T9310, T9401/2, T9431/2, T9451, T9481/2

 HiLINE 800具有的硬件集成能力,产品单元内融入了的电机控制技术,交流变频器、软启动器和智能马达保护器等智能元器件,均支持EtherNet/IP网络,并为用户提供从应用底层收集数据的能力,统一的数据接口方便了企业底层数据的采集、汇总、转换至上层管理系统,实现数据的统一和一致性。

  智能化的硬件配置结合罗克韦尔自动化的FactoryTalk 软件,HiLINE 800可实现智能化运行和维护管理,无需接触带电设备打开机柜门即可通过可用的门上通信端口连接到网络,而且借助智能运维管理系统,用户可对所有单元进行远程监控、配置和故障排除,实现预测性维护。

出厂即用 可扩展灵活设计

  HiLINE 800以实现客户价值为中心,专为满足客户和行业需求而设计。HiLINE 800提供固定式和抽出式柜体两种柜体类型,占用空间更小,具有高度的灵活性,可在工厂对固件进行标准化,可对交换机进行配置,还可对设备进行预先编程,出厂时完成全部组装,包括安装、预配置和验证的 EtherNet/IP 网络基础设施。

  除了编程和网络基础设施外,用户界面也可以预先配置。因此,该系统在交付时真正达到了出厂即用。通过预先配置和预先测试程序,用户可节省高达 90% 的开发、调试和安装时间。

  HiLINE 800的生产、销售和服务均在本地进行,这有助于改善用户启动和调试体验,并提供持续支持。罗克韦尔自动化提供的项目管理能力有助于客户合作的顺利进行,的工程服务将为您的工业应用带来更多价值。


        ★ 主营品牌:ABB,AB,GE,HIMA、TRICONEX英维思、 Woodward伍德沃德 、Motorola摩托、 EMERSON 艾默生

  ★ 其他品牌:DCS系统的配件,PLC系统的配件:EPRO、 PROSOFT、MOOG、DEIF、NI、本特利、霍尼韦尔、福克斯波罗、施耐德、安川、横河,贝加莱等各类欧美品牌的机器人系统配件,大型伺服系统备件等,只要您有需要,我司都很乐意帮助到您!欢迎来询!


  卡件,控制器,PLC,CPU 输入模块 输出模块 CPU处理器模块等



This technical manual defines how to safely apply AADvance® controllers for a Safety Instrumented Function. It sets out standards (which are mandatory) and makes recommendations to make sure that installations satisfy and maintain their required safety integrity level. In no event will Rockwell Automation be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment. The examples given in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements related to any particular installation, Rockwell Automation does not assume responsibility or reliability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams. No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual. All trademarks are acknowledged. Disclaimer It is not intended that the information in this publication covers every possible detail about the construction, operation, or maintenance of a control system installation. You should also refer to your own local (or supplied) system safety manual, installation and operator/maintenance manuals. Revision And Updating Policy This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. The document contents are subject to change from time to time. The latest versions of the manuals are available at the Rockwell Automation Literature Library under "Product Information" information "Critical Process Control & Safety Systems".

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