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! 服务信用付款R退款LJ是,填写项目9a和9b 0否-,__..退还超额扣除退休

























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U、 美国人事管理办公室








( )

标准表格31 08






















USERRA Ap“ply?















如果我有资格并选择替代年金,则退休。如果我真的选择了替补ame (Last, first, middle) Application to Make Service Credit Payment Federal Employees Retirement System To avoid a delay in processing your claim: 1. Read the attached information carefully. 2. Type or print in ink. 3. Complete Part A in full. If you are currently a Federal employee, have your employing agency complete Part B. Part A. To be Completed by the Applicant 2. List other names you have used 4. Address (Number and street) 5. Department or agency in which presently or last employed, including bureau, branch , or division ----------------------------------------- (City, state and ZIP Code) 7 . Location of employment (city and state) 9. Have you previously filed any application under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) 9a. Type of application or the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)? ~ ! Service credit payment R Refund LJ Yes, complete items 9a and 9b 0No -, __.. Return of excess deductions Retirement 10. I am applying to make a service credit payment for: LI Civilian Service (Complete item 10) -=I Military Service (Go to item 11) Form Approved OMB No. 3206-0134 3. Birthdate (mmlddlyyyy) 6. Social Security Number 8. Title of position 9b. Claim number(s) [if available] List below in chronological order all periods of Federal civilian service Be sure all your service is listed so that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) can bill you for the correct amount. Department or Agency Location of Employment Title of Position Periods of Service Check whether deductions were not Put a check mark (v") tn the boxes below, next (including bureau. branch or d1v1s1on where (city and state) withheld, withheld and refunded , or to the periods of service employed) withheld and remain to your credit you want to pay for (If you do not want to pay Beginning Date EndmgDate Withheld and Withheld and for a specific period of Not Withheld service leave the (mmlddlyyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy) Refunded Not Refunded box blank.) "I wish to pay the deposit necessary to obtain credit for my military service after 1956. I understand t he entire deposit must be paid to my agency before separation for retirement and that if I do not complete the deposit at time the post-1956 military service will not be used to compute or establish title to a FERS annuity. Any incomplete deposit that will not pay for one or more full periods of military service will be refunded. Otherwise, my deposit is refundable only if I become eligible for a refund of retirement contributions, or retire \Nithout waiving my military retired pay (if any). " I further understand that the military deposit cannot be deemed paid at retirement if I am eligible for and elect an alternative annuity. If I do elect the alternative annuity upon retirement, any complete military deposits I made to the Fund will be refunded to me along with any other retirement contributions or payments I made to the Fund." ' ' 11 . Are deductions for the Federal Employees Retirement System now being withheld from your salary? 0 Yes (Go to item 13) 0 No (Go to item 12) 13. Signature of applicant U.S. Office of Personnel Management CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices 12. Give the date of separation from your last position under the Federal Employees Retirement System I Date of separation (mm/ddlyyyy) 14. Telephone number (including area code) 15. E-mail address 16. Date (mmlddlyyyy) where you can be reached during the day ( ) Standard Form 31 08 Revised June 2013 Previous editions are not usable. I RELEASED - Printed documents may be obsolete; validate prior to use. Application To Pay Military Deposit For Military Service Performed After December 31, 1956 You must be currently employed and covered under FERS to make the military deposit. You must complete the deposit in full before the separation on which your retirement benefit will be based. Employee's Name Date of Birth (mmlddlyyyy) Social Security Number Information About Employee's Military Service Branch of Military Penod of Service Beginning Date mmlddi' Ending Date mmlddi' Retirement System Rules That Apply to the Service (Check appropriate box) CSRS FERS Does Alternative Deposit Calculation Under USERRA Ap"ply? (Check appropriate box) Yes No Interest Accrual Date (IAD) (mmlddlyyyy) Certification: The information entered above is based on official records of this agency and is correct. Agency Official Signature Date (mmlddlyyyy) 2. Employee's Acknowledgment of Understanding of Military Service Credit and Deposit Rules I am currently employed in a position where deductions for the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) are being deducted from my salary, and I wish to pay the deposit necessary to obtain credit for my military service after 1956. I understand that I must pay the entire deposit to my employing agency before separation for retirement. I further understand that the military deposit cannot be deemed paid at retirement if I am eligible for and elect an alternative annuity. If I do elect the alternative annuity upon retirement, any completed military deposits made to the Fund will be refunded to me along with any other retirement contributions or payments I made to the Fund. Once I complete the deposit in full , I understand that it can only be refunded to me if I become eligible for a refund of my retirement contributions or retire without waiving my military retired pay (if any). I understand that for any given full period of military service that I have performed, if I do not complete the deposit for that full period of military service, any payments I made that were applied to that full period of military service will be refunded to me when I retire or when I become eligible for a refund of my retirement contributions. I also understand each of the following service credit rules and how they apply to any given full period of military service that I have performed for which I have not completed the military deposit: • For each period of military service performed after 1956 that is subject to FERS rules, the post-1956 military service will not be used to compute or establish title to a FERS annuity if I do not complete the deposit before I separate for retirement. • For each period of military service performed after 1956 that is subject to Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) rules in a CSRS component of my FERS annuity: + If the first time I worked in a position where CSRS deductions were withheld from my salary was on or after October 1, 1982, the post-1956 military service will not be used to compute or establish title to a FERS annuity if I do not complete the deposit before I separate for retirement. + If the first time I worked in a position where CSRS deductions were withheld from my salary was before October 1, 1982, the post-1956 military service will not be used to compute my annuity at age 62 (or when I retire, if J retire after age 62), if I am eligible for Social Security benefits at that time. Finally, I understand that payment of this deposit will not make my military service creditable if it is otherwise not creditable under FERS or CSRS. I realize that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is solely responsible for adjudicating and administering civil service retirement benefits. I understand that OPM will determine if my military service can be credited in my FERS retirement when I apply for my retirement benefits. Employee's Signature Telephone number where you can be E-mail address reached during the day Date (mmlddlyyyy) Standard Form 3108A June 2013 RELEASED - Printed documents may be obsolete; validate prior to use. Information For Em loyee Employee Instructions for Applying to Pay Post-1956 Military Service Deposit • Complete sections 1-11 on the front of the SF 3108, Application to Make Service Credit Payment. • Complete this form, SF 3108A, Application to Pay Military Deposit for Military Service Perfonned After December 31, 1956. • Include a copy of your DD 214, Report of Transfer or Discharge, or equivalent record to verify your military service. If copies of the DD 214 are not available, you should complete form SF 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, and send it to the appropriate address (found on the form) to verify your military service. You can obtain this form from your employing agency. • Attach documentation of military basic pay to this application. (See below) • Give the completed SF 3108, SF 3108A, and documentation noted above to your employing agency. Your agency will compute the military deposit you owe and give you instructions for paying the deposit. Employee Instructions for Completing this Form (SF 3108A) • Complete item 1 (Information About Employee's Military Service) by providing the branch of the military in which you served (e.g. Army, Navy, etc.) and the dates of your military service. If you have more than one period of military service, make a separate entry for each period of military service you performed. Note, a period of military service includes consecutive periods of service where there is no break in service. For military purposes, a 1-day break separates service into two periods. Your agency will complete the section relating to the retirement system, the alternative deposit computation rules, and the interest accrual date. • Read the information in item 2 and then sign and date the form, and provide a telephone number where you can be reached during the day, at the bottom of item 2. To Obtain Documentation of Military Basic Pay Basic pay earnings may be documented by either of the following methods: • Actual pay records from the military service. Your agency can tell you what military pay records are acceptable for documenting actual military earnings. • Estimated earnings, if you do not have official records of military earnings for the entire period of service. To obtain these estimated earnings from the military, use RI 20-97, Request for Estimated Earnings During Military Service. You can obtain this form from your employing agency or from our website www.opm.gov/forms. You must attach a copy of your DD 214 for the period of military service and any available records of pay and promotions. If the alternative deposit calculation under USERRA applies to a period of military service, you should check with your agency for special instructions for requesting estimated earnings if you received civilian pay (military leave, annual leave) during your period of military service. The following records may not be used to document earnings: • Earnings statements from tax records. (They include allowances as well as basic pay.) • Social Security earnings statements. (They include allowances as well as basic pay and also reflect only military basic pay earned up to the Social Security maximum wage base for withholding.) Information For Em Joying Agency --- Agency Instructions: The employing agency (or organization designated by the agency to administer the personnel records of the employee) must complete the Agency Use Only section for every application before the action is processed through payroll. For each period of military service listed by the employee in Block 1, the employing agency must indicate which retirement plan rules are applicable to the particular period of service by placing a check mark in the appropriate block under Retirement System Rules. (A check mark in the CSRS column indicates that the military service will be credited in a CSRS component of the FERS annuity and the deposit will be computed under CSRS rules. A check mark in the FERS column indicates that the military service will be credited under FERS rules and that the deposit will be computed under FERS rules.) The agency must also indicate if the period is subject to the special comparative deposit calculation rules specified in the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994, as amended, by checking the appropriate block (Yes or No) under the Does Alternative Deposit Calculation Under USERRA Apply? column. Do not leave that column blank. And , for each period of military service listed, the agency must provide the interest accrual date for the military deposit. Finally, an authorized agency official should sign and date the certification secti

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