
AB 1747-L553 19-01-18控制器中文PDF用户手册

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江西 瑞昌市 1天内发货 5173个
瑞昌明盛自动化设备有限公司 4年
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产品标题: AB 1747-L553 19-01-18控制器中文PDF用户手册

型号:1747-L553 19-01-18







In step 2, the control register was set to enable the analog outputs over the P3 connector. The outputs could have also been selected to pass out either of the two test busses, or out the AOTESTBS and the P3 connector simultaneously by selecting the proper control word as determined from Table 4.2.2-3 and the HEX value for the different control words shown in Table 4.5-1.1. Initialize register D0 (used as a counter) to 0. 2. Load address of DAC Channel no. 1 into address register A0. 3. Load DAC channel with maximum value. Address pointer is automatically incremented to next DAC channel. 4. Increment counter stored in D0. 5. If all 16 DAC channels have not been loaded, then go to step 6. 6. Load next DAC channel. 7. Load control register to start digital-to-analog conversion of all 16 DAC channels. Analog outputs are routed out P3 connector. 8. STOP In step 7, the control register was set to enable the analog outputs to pass out the P3 connector. The outputs could have also been selected to pass out either of the two test busses or out the AOTESTBS (Test Bus 2) and the P3 connector simultaneously by selecting the proper control word as determined from Table 4.1-3 and the HEX value for the different control words shown below in Table 4.6-1.


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