产品标题:560CMU05 1KGT012700R0001伺服电机编码器培训教程
型号:560CMU05 1KGT012700R0001
VMIVME-7740包括一个LANWorks选项,该选项允许从网络引导VMIVME7740。本附录描述了启用此选项和LANWorks BIOS设置屏幕的步骤。引导菜单启用LANWorksBIOS选项有两种方法。***种方法是***引导菜单。***个是BIOS Setup Utility中的Boot(引导)菜单。First Boot Menu(***引导菜单)在引导周期的最开始按ESC键,将访问First Boot Menu(***启动菜单)。在此屏幕中选择“Managed PC Boot Agent(MBA)”从LAN引导仅适用于当前引导,下次重新引导时,VMIVME-7740将恢复到引导菜单中的设置。使用箭头键,突出显示Managed PC Boot Agent(MBA),然后按ENTER键继续系统引导。引导菜单启用LANWorks BIOS选项的***种方法是在系统引导期间按F2键。这将访问BIOS设置实用程序。进入Boot(引导)菜单,使用箭头键突出显示Managed PC Boot Agent(MBA)选项。然后,使用<+>或<->键将MBA选项移动到堆栈顶部。前进到“退出”菜单,选择“退出保存更改”,然后按ENTER键。当系统提示确认时,按“Y”表示是。然后,计算机将重新启动系统引导。
The VMIVME-7740 includes a LANWorks option which allows the VMIVME-7740 to be booted from a network. This appendix describes the procedures to enable this option and the LANWorks BIOS Setup screens.Boot Menus There are two methods of enabling the LANWorks BIOS option. The first method is the First Boot menu. The second is the Boot menu from the BIOS Setup Utility. First Boot Menu Press ESC at the very beginning of the boot cycle, which will access the First Boot menu. Selecting “Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA)” to boot from the LAN in this screen applies to the current boot only, at the next reboot the VMIVME-7740 will revert back to the setting in the Boot menu.Using the arrow keys, highlight Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA), and press the ENTER key to continue with the system boot. Boot Menu The second method of enabling the LANWorks BIOS option is to press the F2 key during system boot. This will access the BIOS Setup Utility. Advance to the Boot menu and, using the arrow keys, highlight the Managed PC Boot Agent (MBA) option. Then, using the <+> or <-> keys move the MBA option to the top of the stack. Advance to the Exit menu and select “Exit Saving Changes” press ENTER. When the system prompts for confirmation, press “Y” for yes. The computer will then restart the system boot-up.