
07KT93 GJR5251300R0171工控系统PLC/DCS卡件模块自动化设备

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瑞昌明盛自动化设备有限公司 4年
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产品标题: 07KT93 GJR5251300R0171工控系统PLC/DCS卡件模块自动化设备

型号:07KT93 GJR5251300R0171




07KT93 GJR5251300R0171Group1和Group2 Group1与Group2财产是用户定义的类别,可以应用于标记名。这些财产可用于根据设置限制事件的显示。应用于标记名属性“定位工具”菜单>“过滤和***事件”命令>“过滤器”选项卡“帮助主题”命令“帮助主题命令”打开“帮助”屏幕,您可以通过显示内容或索引列表来定位信息。07KT93 GJR5251300R0171您也可以使用“查找”选项卡搜索主题。应用于SOE记录器位置帮助菜单隐藏消息栏命令隐藏消息栏指令关闭消息栏,消息栏是屏幕底部的一个区域,在事件检索期间显示信息。应用于SOE记录器位置右键单击消息栏或工具菜单相关主题显示消息栏命令(第78页)历史块类型历史块类型设置通常用于监视SOE记录器应用程序中的当前事件。外部设备可以在任何时候收集事件,但是,收集不会清除块。如果TriStation应用程序未清除并重新启动录制,则在缓冲区已满时会覆盖最旧的事件条目。块1到14可以设置为外部。进程1主处理器将事件写入块。2当缓冲区已满时,主处理器会覆盖最旧的事件条目。07KT93 GJR5251300R0171


Group1 and Group2 The Group1 and Group2 properties are user-defined categories that can be applied to tagnames. These properties can be used to limit the display of events based on the settings. Applies To Tagname property Location Tools menu > Filter and Sort Events command > Filters tab Help Topics Command The Help Topics command opens the Help screen, which allows you to locate information by displaying a listing of the contents or the index. 07KT93 GJR5251300R0171You can also search for topics by using the Find tab. Applies To SOE Recorder Location Help menu Hide Message Bar Command The Hide Message Bar command closes the Message Bar, which is an area at the bottom of the screen which displays information during event retrieval. Applies To SOE Recorder Location Right-click Message Bar or Tools menu Related Topics Show Message Bar Command (page 78) Historical Block Type The Historical Block Type setting is typically used to monitor current events in SOE Recorder application. An external device can collect events at any time, however, the collection does not clear the block. If the TriStation application does not clear and restart recording, the oldest event entries are overwritten when the buffer is full. Blocks 1 through 14 can be set as External. Process 1 The Main Processors write events to the block. 2 When the buffer is full, the Main Processors overwrite the oldest event entries.07KT93 GJR5251300R0171



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