
HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100工控DCS系统模块卡件自动化设备

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江西 瑞昌市 1天内发货 5173个
瑞昌明盛自动化设备有限公司 4年
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产品标题: HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100工控DCS系统模块卡件自动化设备

型号:HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100




HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100受监控的数字输出模块此表确定了可与8点受监控数字输出模块一起使用的终端产品。您只能使用特定模块列中列出的一个终端。注意:每个8点或16点监控DO模块需要一个终端面板(或电缆)。HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100监控/非监控数字输出模块此表确定了可用于32点监控/非监督数字输出模块的终端产品。注意:每个32点数字输出模块。此外,您可以将列出的两种终端产品的任意组合混合使用。例如,您可以使用两个HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100配线架,或一个HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100基本配线架和一根HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100扇形电缆,依此类推。注意:每个32点双数字输出模块需要两个端接配线架(或电缆)。此外,您可以将列出的两种终端产品的任意组合混合使用。例如,您可以使用两个9662-610面板,或一个9653-610基本面板和一根9101-010扇形展开电缆,依此类推。注意:每个32点继电器输出模块需要两个端接面板(或电缆)。此外,您可以将列出的两种终端产品的任意组合混合使用。例如,您可以使用两个HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100面板、两个9651-110基本面板,或者一个9668-10面板和一个9651-10基本面板。


Supervised Digital Output Modules This table identifies termination products you can use with 8-point supervised digital output modules. You can use only one of the terminations listed in a particular module’s column.Note You need one termination panel (or cable) for each 8-point or 16-point supervised DO module.Supervised/Non-Supervised Digital Output Modules This table identifies termination products you can use with 32-point supervised/nonsupervised digital output modules.Note You need two termination panels (or cables) for each 32-point digital output module. Also, you can mix any combination of two termination products listed. For example, you may use two HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100 panels, or one HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100 basic panel and one HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100 fanned-out cable, and so on.Note You need two termination panels (or cables) for each 32-point dual digital output module. Also, you can mix any combination of two termination products listed. For example, you may use two 9662-610 panels, or one HONEYWELL SPS5713 51199930-100 basic panel and one 9101-010 fanned-out cable, and so on.Note You need two termination panels (or cables) for each 32-point relay output module. Also, you can mix any combination of two termination products listed. For example, you may use two 9668-110 panels, two 9651-110 basic panels, or one 9668-110 panel and one 9651-110 basic panel.

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