
熔喷布专用料PP金发 驻极母粒91500_华韵塑料_可过95-99级

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熔喷布专用料PP金发 驻极母粒91500_华韵塑料_可过95-99级

熔喷布专用料PP金发 驻极母粒91500_华韵塑料_可过95-99级


    1500***用途级别:纤维级  医用级品名:1500***  产品规格:25千克/  货号:1095/Z-1500

         道恩股份:PP1500熔喷料可用于口罩和医用手术服【公司动态】上证报中国证券网讯 121日,道恩股份在深交所互动易平台回复投资者相关提问时表示:“公司的熔喷料产能是国内,熔喷料主要应用于汽车吸棉、卫材(尿不湿等)、口罩、医用手术服等领域。”,公司自行研究、开发、生产的熔喷无纺布材料具有稳定的高流动性、低碳、环保、可降解,根据客户需求定制,分子量分布窄、灰分低、无其他产物残留、优良的纺丝性能等优异特性,广泛应用于保温材料、过滤材料、汽车吸音棉材料等。分析人士指出,随着大众防护意识逐步增强、口罩销量不断攀升,熔喷料作为口罩滤芯层的重要材料,其需求量将会明显增加。据了解,道恩股份2003年便研发成功了“超高流动聚丙烯熔喷无纺布料技术”,当年9月通过了山东省科技厅组织的技术鉴定,鉴定专家组一致认为该产品的研制是成功的,其综合性能指标居国际***水平,可以替代国外同类产品。凭借雄厚的技术实力,道恩股份还参与制定了《塑料聚丙烯(PP)熔喷料》***,上述技术还获得了中国石油和化学工业协会技术发明一等奖、山东省科技进步二等奖。道恩股份是一家集研发、生产、销售热塑性弹性体、改性塑料和色母粒等功能性高分子复合材料的国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业。公司在绿色轻量化复合新材料领域不断深耕,先后突破了国外厂商对改性塑料、弹性体新材料的技术封锁,在汽车、家电、医疗、***等领域逐步实现国产替代。公司针对改性塑料客户需求,量身打造差异化产品。如公司生产的长玻纤增强PP应用于5G基站的天线盒,产品正在验证阶段。此前公司披露的业绩预告显示,得益于海尔新材料并表及母公司经营业绩增长,公司2019年度实现归母净利润亿元至亿元,同比增长30%50%,继续保持高速增长。

        驻极母粒 熔喷布驻极母粒 驻极添加剂概 述本产品母粒是以超高熔指聚丙烯为基体树脂,采用第三代大分子驻极添加剂,结合高速剪切分散加工技术制备而成的高性能驻极添加剂母粒。主要用于熔喷聚丙烯无纺布,可以***提升无纺布的电荷捕获能力,并大幅度延长电荷的储存时间。本产品需要与熔喷及高压驻极设备配合使用方能达到佳效能。能***提升熔喷无纺布对 粉尘等的吸附捕获效率,可使其过滤效率从 70-75%提升至 95%。应 主要用于熔喷聚丙烯无纺布的电荷捕获及储存;一次性口罩,N95/KN 95 口罩;医用空气过滤棉。


Huayun plastic company, golden hair technology to become the core supplier of mask raw materials! Golden Hair Technology SH600143 $dawn stock SZ002838 $mask as a necessary protection for the resumption of work, great domestic demand, great potential demand abroad (Japan and Singapore epidemic out of Control Trend) . Mask key raw material chain: N95 Mask smmms & amp; medical mask SMS → melt-blown cloth → modified PP (mask cloth PP melt-blown material) as a major manufacturer of mask cloth Pp melt-blown material dawn joint-stock after the double, its modified PP material annual capacity 4W tons, the current full load operation, daily capacity 200 tons, estimated annual capacity of nearly 7w tons. ! As a leader of the modified PP material, goldenhair technology said in a response to the interactive platform today that it has changed the production of modified PP material according to relevant requirements, which could reach 200 tons in the near future, and is expected to reach 500 tons per day in the next two weeks !! One ton of high melt index polypropylene fiber can produce nearly 250,000 medical protective masks or 80,000 N95 masks, and 500 tons of PP modified materials can be converted into 100 million medical protective masks. "according to the relevant requirements" , this few words that the raw material gap is very large, the blonde modified PP production material is still very powerful! Goldenhair is also a major producer of Pe breathable membranes for medical protective clothing, a supplier of Tesla Motors materials, and a leading producer of biodegradable materials

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