
过油性聚丙烯PP熔喷料韩国LG H7914A进口塑料

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广东 东莞 1天内发货 32000千克
东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司 6年
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过油性聚丙烯PP熔喷料韩国LG H7914A进口塑料

过油性聚丙烯PP熔喷料韩国LG H7914A进口塑料

Lupol    ED1045D          TPO (POE)         汽车领域的应用;   电气/电子应用领域    冲击改性; 柔软

Lupol    EI5002     PP,未***     汽车内部零件;   汽车领域的应用; 通用  冲击改性; 通用

Lupol    EI5002L   PP,未***     汽车内部零件;   汽车领域的应用; 通用  冲击改性; 通用

Lupol    GP1000FC        PP,未***     汽车领域的应用;   电气/电子应用领域; 通用          通用; 阻燃性

Lupol    GP1007F PP,未***     汽车领域的应用;   电气/电子应用领域; 通用          通用; 阻燃性

Lupol    GP1007FE        PP,未***     汽车领域的应用;   电气/电子应用领域; 通用          通用; 阻燃性

Lupol    GP2100   PP,未***     汽车领域的应用;   电气/电子应用领域; 通用          通用

Lupol    GP2150   PP,未***     汽车领域的应用;   电气/电子应用领域; 通用          通用

Lupol    GP2200   PP,未***     汽车领域的应用;   电气/电子应用领域; 通用          通用

Lupol    GP2300   PP,未***     汽车领域的应用;   电气/电子应用领域; 通用          通用

PP 聚丙烯用途:





Huayun plastics company PP PROPERTIES PP chemical and physical properties PP is a semi-crystalline material. It is harder than PE and has a higher melting point. Because HOMOPOLYMER PP is very brittle at temperatures above 0C, many commercial PP materials are clamp block copolymers with 1-4% ethylene or higher ethylene content. The copolymer type PP has lower thermal distortion temperature (100C) , lower transparency, lower gloss and lower rigidity, but higher impact strength. The strength of PP increased with the increase of ethylene content. The Vicar softening temperature of PP was 150C. Due to its high crystallinity, the material has good surface stiffness and scratch resistance. PP does not have the problem of environmental stress cracking. Generally, PP is modified by adding glass fiber, metal additive or thermoplastic rubber. The MFR OF PP is in the range of 1 ~ 40. PP WITH LOW MFR had better impact resistance but lower tensile strength. For the same MFR materials, the strength of Copolymer type is higher than that of homopolymer type. As a result of crystallization, the shrinkage of PP is quite high, generally 1.8 ~ 2.5% . And the Directional uniformity of shrinkage is much better than that of PE-HD and other materials. The shrinkage was reduced to 0.7% by adding 30% glass additive. HOMOPOLYMER and copolymer type PP materials have excellent moisture absorption resistance, anti-acid-base corrosion resistance, anti-solubility. However, it is not resistant to aromatic hydrocarbon solvents such as benzene and chlorinated hydrocarbon (tetrachloromethane) solvents. Oh, Shit


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