
供应德国 CETONI 公司 neMESYS Syringe Pumps 微流量注射泵全套产品

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供应德国CETONI 公司neMESYS Syringe Pumps 微流量注射泵全套产品

仪器主体部分:(主要包含:控制系统bASE MODULES + Syringe Pumps,其他设备可按需选购)


Base Modules  

微流动控制系统 (型号:BASE 120, BASE 600)

Base modules are the heart of any Qmix system. They include the power supply for all other modules as well as the USB interface to.

The Heart of the CETONI System

Base modules are the heart of their individual Qmix micro-reaction, microfluidic or flow chemistry system. They are the interface to the control PC and provide power to all connected modules. The integrated USB-interface can be used to easily connect base units to any PC. With the innovative plug connector system, additional Qmix modules can be connected to any base module, without wiring or installation. CETONI offers various power ranges depending on how many modules you want to use and how much power they require.




low Pressure Syringe Pump neMESYS 290N

High Pressure Syringe Pump neMESYS 2600N

Mid Pressure Syringe Pump neMESYS 1000N

Ultra HighPressure Syringe Pump neMESYS XL 7000N

OEM Syringe Pump neMESYS OEM310

OEM Syringe Pump neMESYS OEM210

OEM Syringe Pump neMESYS OEM160

Peristaltic Pump peRISYS-S


The high-precision neMESYS syringe pumps, boasting extremely uniform and pulsation-free fluid dosing and an extensive pressure range of up to 1500 bar, are perfectly suited to creating extremely small fluid streams in microfluidic applications or precise dosing of viscous substances under high pressure in flow chemistry applications.

Precise, pulsation-free, expandable

The neMESYS pump doses liquids with extreme accuracy down into the nanoliter range. Special motors inside the pump move the syringe piston without vibration and thereby allow liquids to be delivered extremely smoothly. neMESYS follows a modular design concept and adapts to your needs. You can even combine multiple pumps. In this way your dosing system can grow along with your application.

CETONI’s central software can control individual pumps or your entire pump system in a very intuitive way. The neMESYS pump comes in various sizes. Depending on your application, you can choose from four models, ranging from low-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure operation.

Completely tailored to your needs

You configure your dosing system together with our application specialists. Thanks to the modular design, you can flexibly adapt your system to changing requirements at any time and easily extend it with additional high-precision syringe pumps, microreaction modules or more powerful valves and pressure sensors.

Together with the powerful software package, the neMESYS syringe pumps offer you unprecedented possibilities in the field of high-precision dosing.
Lift your work to a whole new level now. Our application specialists are always at your side.

Possible applications for our highly precise syringe pumps

The pulsation-free technology used in neMESYS pumps enables safe development of chemical processes and the creation of high-efficiency production plants. Following are a number of application examples for precision syringe pumps:

Dosing of reaction solutions for screening applications and miniaturized syntheses in microfluidics

Highly accurate fluid dosing and creation of minimal, precisely defined fluid streams

In industrial and lab applications

Various lab-on-chip applications, such as DNA amplification (PCR chip)

Creation of micro-serial sample flows in high-throughput applications

Dosing of reagents with periodical gradients for the creation of compartment sequences with variable concentration of ingredients (creation of parameter spaces, e.g. in active agent research)

Absolutely smooth piston movements

When compared to a conventional syringe pump or dilutor, our neMESYS system stands apart due to its ability to create nearly pulsation-free fluid streams. The neMESYS pump doses liquids with extreme precision, even in the nanoliter range. Special motors in the neMESYS pump move the syringe piston without any jerking motions, thereby allowing very smooth fluid delivery. The pulsation-free operation is brought about using the following characteristics:

DC servo motor drives

Position and speed control with closed loop PID-controller

High-precision linear axle with 1 mm inclination

Ball screw

29:1 gear ratio


Stirring Systems  (搅拌系统)

The neMIX stirring systems allow the gentle mixing of suspensions during a dosing process and guarantee a consistent concentration of substance mixtures.

Valve Modules

The Qmix valve modules combine customized Rheodyne high-performance multiport valves with a valve control unit in one compact housing. 

Tempering- / Reaction Modules

The Qmix tempering / reaction modules can heat and cool microfluidic chips, micro-reactors, flow-reactors, tubes (tube coil) and customized reactors.

I/O Modules

Qmix I/O modules can extend the Qmix system by a multitude of analog and digital inputs and outputs. This lets you connect external devices and sensors (pressure, temperature, etc.) to a Qmix system in a very simple way. 

Detection Modules  (检测模块)

Spectrometer modules with a z-cell and camera modules for online media analysis during the dosing process. 

Sample Handler  

The miniature sample holders from our rotAXYS series are perfect for applications in which small items, such as pipet tips, tube ends or syringes have to be positioned in a very tight space. 

Positioning Systems

High-precision, scalable positioning systems for laboratory and industrial applications 

LED Arrays

We offer special LED arrays for precise and selective irradiation. Users can activate specific areas of the array, individual LEDs, LED rows, columns, sections or pre-defined LED combinations.


Accessories 可选择的配件)


Heated Syringes

Glass Syringes Mid-Pressure Module

Glass Syringes Low-Pressure Module

Stainless Steel Syringes Medium-Pressure Module

Stainless Steel Syringes High-Pressure Module

Stainless Steel Syringes XL Module

Precision-engineered syringes have equal importance to flow rate accuracy as precision drives. Here you will find high-precision syringes made from a variety of materials (such as glass, stainless steel, etc.) and for various pressure ranges, extending up to 1500 bar. 

Syringe Holders

Syringe holders, piston holders and syringe receptacles for our standard syringes as well as special customized models.


3-2-way valves, non-return valves, ball valves as well as valve accessories for all neMESYS syringe pumps

I/O Components

External pressure sensors and other components for the I/O interface of neMESYS syringe pumps

Cables and Plugs

 All cables and plugs for connecting the neMESYS and Qmix modules.

Clamps and Brackets

Clamps and brackets for holding and fixing multiple neMESYS or Qmix modules simplify the installation and transport of complete systems.

Tubes and Fittings

Here you can find accessories for fluidic connections between individual modules.

Microfluidic Chips

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