Both Chinese and English calligraphy art treasures"We Are The World"Appreciation and collection
易安居草堂的书法艺术作品中西合璧,文化交融,将是未来书法艺术创新发展的灿烂瑰宝。汉字部分笔力遒劲,气势磅礴,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,栩栩如生;英文部分幽雅柔婉,飘逸秀美,静谧悠远,艺韵悠长。字里行间流淌着千年的历史和文化,墨色流光描绘着古老的***和灵魂。The calligraphy art works of “ The humble cottage to live easily”are a combination of Chinese and Western elements and a cultural blend, which will be the brilliant treasure of the innovation and development of calligraphy art in the future. Chinese characters part is vigorous and majestic, As graceful as a startled swan, as graceful as a wandering dragon, lifelike; English part is elegant and soft, elegant and beautiful, quiet and long rhyme. The history and culture of the years flowing between the lines, the ink color light depicts the ancient charm and soul.
这是开启和创造中西书法艺术的作品之一。《天下一家》是一首很神圣的歌曲。曲调流畅,富有激情和感染力,给人类一个大爱的境界,让人们的灵魂也得到了净化和升华。This is one of the works of the invention and creation of Chinese and Western calligraphy art."We Are The World" is a very sacred song. The melody is smooth, full of passion and appeal, giving human a realm of love, so that people's soul has been purified and sublimated.
34 x 69 cm
作者为了追求书法艺术的自由而创作的,用书法艺术的表现形式去呐喊和呼唤“全世界团结一致,拯救人类生命”。作品不仅有美学价值,还有社会价值,值得观赏和收藏。In order to pursue the freedom of the art of calligraphy, the author uses the expression form of the art of calligraphy art to shout and call for "the whole world unity, save human life". The works not only have aesthetic value, but also have social value, which is worth viewing and collecting.
随着中西艺术融合的大趋势,现代书法艺术正在崛起,将更能够促进世界文化的交流与融合,抒发艺术生命力在大文化环境中的生死沉浮。这种融合不仅体现在艺术形式的创新上,也反映在收藏和欣赏的角度上。中西合璧的书法作品,因其独特的文化价值和艺术表现,成为了收藏家和艺术爱好者追捧的对象。With the general trend of the integration of Chinese and Western art, modern calligraphy art is rising, which will be more able to promote the exchange and integration of world culture, and express the ups and downs of life and death of artistic vitality in the big cultural environment. This integration is not only reflected in the innovation of art forms, but also reflected in the perspective of collection and appreciation. Calligraphy works combining Chinese and Western elements, because of their unique cultural value and artistic expression, have become the target of collectors and art lovers.
We are the world
calligraphic art
34 x 69 cm
the humble cottage to live easily
随着人类命运共同体的倡导和实践,中外文化艺术交流日益频繁,中西合璧的民间书法艺术在全球各地萌芽绽放。易安居草堂倡导艺术无国界,倡导各种语言的文化交流与借鉴,传递着各国艺术家的友谊和感情。让各国艺术之花墨香四溢,艺韵悠长。让各国人民通过书法艺术的学习和创作,在遥远的距离中进行超越语言的心灵对话。With the advocacy and practice of a community with a shared future for mankind, the cultural and artistic exchanges between China and foreign countries are increasingly frequent, and the folk calligraphy art of combining Chinese and Western elements is blooming all over the world. Cottage H.L.E advocates art without borders, advocates the cultural exchange and reference of various languages, and conveys the friendship and feelings of artists from various countries. Let the flowers of art around the world everywhere fragrance, charm lasting release.Let the people of all countries through the study and creation of calligraphy art, in a distant distance beyond the language of the spiritual dialogue.
钢铁是怎样炼成的?艺术是怎样繁荣的?现代书法艺术国际交流与展览是艺术全球化繁荣的主要通道。为了促进全球艺术事业的发展和繁荣,展现当代各种语言的书法艺术成就和风采,提升中西书法艺术知名度和美誉度,易安居草堂正在努力构架和建设国际交流与合作新通道。How is the steel made up? How does art flourish? International exchange and exhibition of modern calligraphy art is the main channel for the prosperity of art globalization.In order to promote the development and prosperity of global art, show the achievements and style of contemporary calligraphy in various languages, and enhance the popularity and reputation of Chinese and Western calligraphy art, Yi Anju Cottage is striving to framework and build a new channel for international exchange and cooperation.
中国书法艺术历史悠久,源远流长。各国文字也一样诞生在很久很久以前,有文字就应该书法艺术。英文是很好表现书法美学价值的文字之一,英文书法艺术可以更加千变万化,更加丰富俊美。将中国书法艺术嫁接到西洋文化,必将是一场浩荡地书法艺术革命,必将开启和创造一个时代艺术传奇。任何一个人都可以参与进来,成为这场书法艺术变革的使者、学者、***者、推动者、贡献者或旁观者,迎来全球性书法艺术的春天。Chinese calligraphy art has a long history.The Words around the world was also born long, long ago, As long as there are words, there must be calligraphy. English is one of the best words to express the aesthetic value of calligraphy, and English calligraphy art can be more varied, more rich and beautiful.Grafting the Chinese calligraphy art to the western culture, will certainly be a vast revolution of the calligraphy art, will certainly open and create an art legend of the era. Anyone can get involved, Become the messenger, scholar, exploiter, promoter, contributor or bystander of the transformation of calligraphy art, and usher in the global spring of calligraphy art。
文字是人类共通的情感表达方式,书法艺术是东方文化的瑰宝,也是人类文明的宝贵财富。中西合璧书法艺术以国际交流为桥梁,以国际展览为纽带,让各国人民在彼此间找准文化交汇点、艺术共同点和情感共鸣点,让全球文化艺术事业再续新篇章。Writing is a common way of emotional expression for human beings, and calligraphy art is the treasure of Oriental culture and the precious wealth of human civilization. With international exchanges as a bridge and international exhibitions as a link, the Chinese and Western calligraphy art of all countries can find the cultural intersection point, artistic common point and emotional resonance between each other, so that the global cultural and artistic cause will continue a new chapter.
这幅作品在“国际书画艺术教育成果邀请赛”中,经组委会严格评审,荣获金奖。作品曾在巴西圣保罗,韩国首尔,日本,加拿大等地巡展。This works has been decided on the gold award through strict discussion in the invitation of the international calligraphy are exhibition. The work have been exhibited in Sao Paulo, Brazil, South korea,Seoul, Tokyo, Japan, Canada and other countries.
本书法艺术作品经世界艺术联合总会理事会评审通过,列为联合会收藏。This calligraphy art work has been approved by the council of the World Art Union Council and is listed as the permanent collection of the association.
这幅作品已被应用于公共文化栏宣传,即有开放参观欣赏的作用,又有一定的公众教育意义。适用于公园、广场、图书馆等各种公共场所装饰,设计和应用到实景中赢得了人民的赞赏。This work has been applied to the public culture column publicity, which has the role of open visit and appreciation, and has a certain public education significance. Suitable for parks, squares, libraries and other public places decoration, design and application to the real scene has won the appreciation of the people.
国际交流塑造出一条伟大的文化艺术大融合通道,吸引了越来越多的西方媒体聚焦并连续报道,得到了得到了全球数百家主流媒体上线和转载,书法艺术正在地球上各种不同的语言土壤中播种、发芽、茁壮成长。International exchange has created a great integration channel of culture and art, which has attracted more and more Western media to focus and report continuously, and has been online and reprinted by hundreds of mainstream media around the world. Calligraphy art is sowing, sprouting and growing in various different languages on the earth.
中西书法艺术是东方古老文化的艺术繁衍,也是西方现代文明的艺术新潮。始终***亲民化、近民化的艺术创作思想,坚持从群众中来,到人民中去。所以这些作品原著非常便宜,可以从作者那里得到,曾经在公开市场出现过,也是苏富比和佳士得公司拍锤下罕见便宜的艺术。它将伴随在人类生活的身边,是普通民众都能欣赏并拥有的书法艺术。The art of Chinese and Western calligraphy is the artistic reproduction of the ancient eastern culture, and also the new artistic trend of the modern western civilization.Always carry out the artistic creation thought of being together with the people, adhere to from the masses, Back to the people.So the original work is very cheap, available from the author, once appeared in the auction market, and is the cheapest art ever auctioned by Sotheby's and Christie's.It will accompany in the human life around, is the ordinary people can enjoy and have the calligraphy art.
书法艺术具有强大的生命力,正在地球上各种不同的语言土壤中播种、发芽、茁壮成长。易安居草堂向人们呐喊和呼唤!并在全球范围内寻求和招募区域经纪人和合作伙伴,共同将传统书法艺术嫁接到各种语言的文化体系,让不同肤色、不同语言、不同文化的人民都懂得欣赏书法艺术的***与灵魂,让***手牵手共享书法艺术的美学价值。The art of calligraphy has strong vitality, and is sowing, sprouting and growing in various different languages on the earth. Yi Anju thatched cottage shouts and calls to the people! And seek and recruit regional brokers and partners worldwide to jointly graft the traditional calligraphy art to the cultural system of various languages, so that people of different colors, different languages and different cultures know how to appreciate the charm and soul of calligraphy art, so that all mankind hand in hand to share the aesthetic value of calligraphy art.