PA66 103FHS美国杜邦 经润滑 热稳定性
PA66 103FHS美国杜邦 经润滑 热稳定性
尼龙类工程塑料外观上都呈现为角质、韧性、表层光亮、白色(或乳白色)或微黄色、透明或半透明的结晶性树脂,它容易被著成任一种颜色。作为工程塑料的尼龙分子量一般为1.5-3万。它们的密度均稍大于1,密度:1.14-1.15g/cm3。拉伸强度 gt;60.0Mpa。伸长率 gt;30%。弯曲强度:90.0Mpa。缺口冲击强度:(KJ/m2)>5。尼龙的收缩率为1%~2%。需注意成型后吸湿的尺寸变化。吸水率 *** 相对吸湿饱和时能吸8%.使用温度可-40~105℃之间。熔点:215-225℃。合适壁厚2-3.5mm。PA的机械性能中如抗拉抗压强度随温度和吸湿量而改变,所以水相对是PA的增塑剂,加入玻纤后,其抗拉抗压强度可提高2倍左右,耐温能力也相应提高,PA本身的耐磨能力非常高,所以可在无润滑下不停操作,如想得到特别的润滑效果,可在PA中加入硫化物。
PA66塑胶原料美国杜邦101L高强度注塑级 改进机器进料和脱模特性。
PA66美国杜邦408HS注塑级良好的耐热稳定性 。
PA66美国杜邦408L特殊级 适合超高抗冲击性的工程制品 。
PA66美国杜邦70G13L 70G13HS1L玻纤增强13%高强度 。
PA66美国杜邦70G33L 70G33HS1L高强度 玻纤增强33%。
PA66美国杜邦80G33HS1-L超高抗冲击性 玻纤增强33%超高强度 。
PA66塑胶原料美国杜邦FR10 FR15 FR50 FR60玻纤增强无卤阻燃级UL94 V-0等级
PA66美国杜邦ST801特殊级 韧性 杰出的耐冲击性。
4 改性尼龙
由于PA强极性的特点,吸湿性强,尺寸稳定性差,但可以通过改性来改善。 尼龙的改性品种数量繁多,如增强尼龙,单体浇铸尼龙(MC尼龙),反应注射成型(RIM)尼龙,芳香族尼龙,透明尼龙,高抗冲(超韧)尼龙,电镀尼龙,导电尼龙,阻燃尼龙,尼龙与其他聚合物共混物和合金等
After adding 30% glass fiber into PA, the mechanical properties, dimensional stability, heat resistance and aging resistance of PA were improved obviously, and the fatigue strength of PA was 2.5 times of that of PA.. The molding process of glass fiber reinforced PA is similar to that of unreinforced PA, but the injection pressure and injection speed should be increased properly, and the barrel temperature should be increased by 10-40 °C. Because the glass fiber will be oriented along the flow direction in the injection molding process, the mechanical properties and shrinkage will be enhanced in the orientation direction, which will lead to the distortion and warpage of the products. Therefore, the position and shape of the gate should be reasonable in the mold design, the temperature of the mould can be raised in the process. The product is taken out and put into the hot water for its slow cooling. In addition, the greater the proportion of adding glass fiber, the greater the wear of plasticizing components of the injection molding machine, it is best to use bimetal screw, barrel.