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  目前,聚碳酸酯的生产方法主要有溶液光气法、酯交换法、界面缩聚光气法和非光气法。(1)溶液光气法 该工艺是将光气通入含有双酚A碱性水溶液和二氯甲烷溶剂中进行进行界面缩聚反应,然后将聚合物从溶液中分离出来。与其它的生产方法相比,溶液光气法由于经济性较差已完全淘汰。(2)酯交换法 酯交换法又称传统熔融工艺,其实也是一种间接光气法工艺。它是以苯酚原料,经过光气法反应生成碳酸二苯酯,然后再卤化锂等催化剂和添加存在下和双酚A进行酯交换反应,生成低聚物,在进一步缩聚得到聚碳酸酯。尽管该工艺生成成本低于其它生产工艺,但由于其生产出来的聚碳酸酯光学性能较差,催化剂易污染,并且由于存在副产品酚而导致产品分子量较低,应用范围有限,因此限制了该工艺的商业应用。 (3)界面缩聚光气法 界面缩聚光气法工艺是将双酚A和烧碱溶液配制成双酚A钠盐,同时加入酚,然后送入光气反应器内。加入二氯甲烷,通光气进行光气化反应,反应完成后将反应液送到缩聚反应器内,加入三乙胺和烧碱溶液,进行缩聚反应。

Huayun Plastics then separates the organic phase from the water phase containing the polymer, washes and dries the organic phase, and then pelletizes the polycarbonate product. 4 The non phosgene method, the non phosgene method is to produce polycarbonate by liquid phase oxidation carbon based method, then to exchange with phenyl Acetate to produce diphenyl carbonate, then to exchange with bisphenol a in the melting state, and to polycondense polycarbonate. 

Therefore, no by-products, basic non-pollution, especially not the use of highly toxic phosgene, which is highly valued by the world's major companies, have been committed to development. To sum up, the non-phosgene process is a completely closed, non-by-product, less pollution and environmental requirements of the green process, has been successfully studied by foreign companies, but as domestic research and development is still in progress, the process is not mature, this design does not use, but the interfacial condensation phosgene process is mature, reflected in normal temperature and pressure, the equipment requirements are not high, product quality, especially by the end of 2004, the world's total production capacity of polycarbonate close to 3.3 mt / A. Phosgene process is about 90% of the total production capacity. So this design uses the interface condensation phosgene method.

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