IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor),绝缘栅双极型晶体管,是由BJT(双极型三极管)和MOS(绝缘栅型场效应管)组成的复合全控型电压驱动式功率半导体器件,兼有MOSFET的高输入阻抗和GTR的低导通压降两方面的优点。GTR饱和压降低,载流密度大,但驱动电流较大;MOSFET驱动功率很小,开关速度快,但导通压降大,载流密度小。IGBT综合了以上两种器件的优点,驱动功率小而饱和压降低。非常适合应用于直流电压为600V及以上的变流系统如交流电机、变频器、开关电源、照明电路、牵引传动等领域。根据调研机构Canalys的报告指出,2021年上半年电动车为260万辆,与去年同期相比大幅成长160%,成长率远高于整体汽车市场的26%。电动汽车市场成长带动关键功率半导体组件和模块需求,其中第三代半导体拥有高效低耗能、高频、高功率、高电压、特性,能增强电动车快速充电效能,此一发展相辅相成,加速第三代半导体SiC与GaN芯片和模块的兴起。电动车五大系统,包含:车身、车电、充电、电池还有马达动力。其中功率半导体组件和模块的应用,主轴是在充电、电池管理系统与马达动力。电动车必须通过逆变器,将电池输出的高压直流电转换成马达动力使用的交流电,才能驱动车辆行驶。环旭电子于2019年获得欧系客户电源模块(Power Module)长期订单,应用在车载充电器(On-Board Charger,简称为OBC),是目前所有电动车与插电式油电混动车的标配。OBC将交流电源,转为直流电,才能给动力电池充电,其中电源模块担任整电流与稳电压的重要角色
5SHX0845F000We currently stock over 12000+ branded products.---Invensys Foxboro:
I/A Series system, FBM(input / output modules) Sequence control, ladder logic control, Recalling accident treatment, The digital-to-analog converter input/output signal processing, Data munication and processing, and etc.
---Invensys Triconex:
Redundancy fault tolerant control system, Based on the three module redundancy (TMR) structure of the most modern fault-tolerant controller.
OVATIONN system, WDPF system, WESStation system card.
Quantum 140 Series processor, control card, Power module and so on.
---Rockwell Allen-Bradley:
Reliance, SLC500/1747/1746, MicroLogix/ 1761/ 1763/ 1762/ 1766/ 1764, pactLogix/1769/1768,Logix5000/1756/1789/1794/1760/1788, PLC-5/1771/1785 and etc.
--- Industrial robot parts of DSQC series, Bailey INFI90, etc.
---Siemens: Siemens MOORE, Siemens Simatic C1, Siemens numerical control system, etc.
---Motorola: MVME162, MVME167, MVME1772 and MVME177 series.
The lack of informal interaction due to virtual symposiums and events has led me to think about the 1970s AT&T advertising slogan, “Reach out and touch someone,” encouraging people to make long distance calls to friends and family. This campaign was highly successful, touching a fundamental need for human interaction not always possible at a distance.Feeling the sense of loss of face-to-face events for several months, I started making a conscious effort to reach out and connect with people using emails, LinkedIn messages, ISA Connect, and phone calls to say hello, how are you doing, and what’s happening? The reception to these efforts has been very good, because I think people feel the same need to connect. Phone calls particularly have been well appreciated, with many resulting in serendipitous conversations about meaningful challenges and solutions.Industry is faced with rapid change and challenges, and the diversity of automation professionals throughout the world is a great resource for dealing with these changes in the automation industry. In Judith E. Glaser’s book, Conversational Intelligence, she describes how conversations actually rewire our DNA and brain chemistry for mutual success. In my experience, asking people in my ecosystem for ideas and thoughts has proven invaluable for solving automation control problems and improving operations.
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