全新智能低压动力中心HiLINE 800是一款为更高的安全性、智能化和可扩展性而设计的动力和电机控制解决方案,符合 GB/T 7251.8 标准,同时在空间、能源和成本上都提供更高效益,是石油、化工、冶金、水处理、水泥、矿山等行业风机、泵类控制的一款理想电机控制解决方案。
HiLINE 800使用设备间完全隔离的设计、配备成熟可靠的 HiLINE 母线结构并通过 IEC 和 CCC 认证和测试,水平母线置于柜顶部,远离各个单元,具有更好的母排散热能力。HiLINE 800的Form 3 的安全解决方案,对其他单元进行定期维护时,走线槽中的接线端子与其他回路接线端子相互隔离,与传统设计相比具有更好的安全性。
此外,HiLINE 800采用SecureConnect™ 技术,支持在门板关闭的情况下移除或插入抽屉,在单元门板不打开的情况下断开主回路连接,并且可以在不接通主回路电源的情况下,对控制和网络连接进行测试,大幅提高更换抽屉或元器件时的安全性,缩短维护和停机时间。
作为智能制造的者,罗克韦尔自动化将SEEE(安全、节能、环保、高效)可持续发展观***于智能制造。针对中国市场需求推出的智能运维Rockii解决方案以工业物联网、人工智能、AR/VR等技术为支撑,面向未来的数字化转型平台覆盖云服务的SaaS、PaaS、IaaS三层架构,具备开放兼容、持续拓展、自主控制的特性。HiLINE 800作为IaaS层重要组成部分支持动力系统操控、数据采集及监视、能效管理及高效运维。
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Honda today announced plans to install a stationary fuel cell power station on its corporate campus in Torrance, Calif. by early 2023. The station will serve as a proof of concept for the future commercialization of a power generation unit for use as a zero-emission backup power source for facilities such as data centers, which require reliable and clean auxiliary power generation to continue operations even in emergency situations. This new initiative will leverage Honda's fuel cell technology expertise as part of the company's global goal to achieve carbon neutrality for all products and corporate activities by 2050.
Honda's proof of concept fuel cell power station will utilize fuel cell components from Honda Clarity Fuel Cell vehicles in a flexible, four-quad parallel stationary fuel cell power generation system capable of generating up to 1152kW-DC/1MW-AC from an inverter. A unique advantage of the four-quad design is the flexibility to change the layout of the four individual fuel cell units to suit the installation environment, accommodating a cuboid, L-shape, Z shape or other packaging requirements.
The station will be connected to the data center on the American Honda campus in early 2023, providing a real-world power generation application to verify performance. This will enable Honda to advance its know-how in the power supply area, as well as supply chain development, grid connection access, construction specifications, AC/DC connection requirements and other critical areas.
"We will leverage the expertise Honda has established in creating multiple generations of fuel cell systems for the development of a fuel cell power generation station," said Mitsuru Kariya, senior vice president in charge of the R&D Business Unit of American Honda. "This project is an opportunity to further utilize our strengths in fuel cell technology to more quickly create, assess and advance a clean power generation system for potential commercial customers."