产品标题:SPD400600Y3O C131112 用于控制器输入输出扩展模块 EATON
型号: SPD400600Y3O C131112 用于控制器输入输出扩展模块
内置ROM功能。3.3.2分配主机服务请求寄存器功能(void tpu_hsr)此功能为特定通道分配主机服务申请寄存器。主机服务请求位的含义取决于***的功能。•*tpu-这是指向TPU3模块的指针。它的类型为TPU3_tag,在m_TPU3.h中定义。•通道-这是分配给它的功能的通道编号。•hsr-这是频道所需的主机服务请求。有关主机服务例程的定义,请参阅单个函数的文档。3.3.3分配主机序列寄存器函数(无效
3.3.4 TPU启用功能(void TPU_Enable)
有关此产品的更多信息,请访问:www.freescale。comMPC500系列状态功能的通用TPU C功能3.3.5 TPU禁用功能(void TPU_Disable)此功能禁用TPU通道。它将优先级设置为0以禁用通道。
•信道-这是分配了功能的信道编号。3.3.6 TPU中断启用功能(无效
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This function assigns a TPU function to a particular channel.
• *tpu - This is a pointer to the TPU3 module. It is of type TPU3_tag which is defined in m_tpu3.h.• channel - This is the channel number that has the function assigned to it.• function - This is the desired function for the channel. See Table 4 for the possible values for the
built-in ROM functions.3.3.2 Assign Host Service Request RegisterFunction (void tpu_hsr)This function assigns the host service request register for a particular channel. The meaning of the hostservice request bits depends on the function specified.• *tpu - This is a pointer to the TPU3 module. It is of type TPU3_tag which is defined in m_tpu3.h.• channel - This is the channel number that has the function assigned to it.• hsr - This is the desired host service request for the channel. See the documentation for theindividual function for the definitions for the host service routine.3.3.3 Assign Host Sequence Register Function (void
tpu_hsq)function assigns the host sequence (HSQ) field for the channel. The HSQ selects the mode of operation
for the function selected on a given channel. The meaning of the host sequence bits depends on the function
specified.• *tpu - This is a pointer to the TPU3 module. It is of type TPU3_tag which is defined in m_tpu3.h.• channel - This is the channel number that has the function assigned to it.• hsq - This is the desired function for the channel.
3.3.4 TPU Enable Function (void tpu_enable)
This function enables the TPU channel and can be used to change the channel priority.
• *tpu - This is a pointer to the TPU3 module. It is of type TPU3_tag which is defined in m_tpu3.h.• channel - This is the channel number that has the function assigned to it.priority - This is the new channel priority. See Table 5 for possible definitions for the priority
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
For More Information On This Product, Go to: General TPU C Functions for the MPC500 FamilyStatus Functions3.3.5 TPU Disable Function (void tpu_disable)This function disables the TPU channel. It sets the priority to 0 to disable the channel.
• *tpu - This is a pointer to the TPU3 module. It is of type TPU3_tag which is defined in m_tpu3.h.
• channel - This is the channel number that has the function assigned to it.3.3.6 TPU Interrupt Enable Function (void
tpu_interrupt_enable)This function enables the interrupt bit for the specified channel.• *tpu - This is a pointer to the TPU3 module to use. It is of type TPU3_tag which is defined inm_tpu3.h.• channel - This is the c