产品标题:3BHE042816R0101 PCD244A101模拟输入模块有货
型号:3BHE042816R0101 PCD244A101
Wam-第3位看门狗报警掩码-当Ipsw(第6位,中断开关)设置为逻辑零(0)时,启用/禁用看门狗警报以中断输出。当设置为逻辑零(0)时,将启用看门狗报警中断输出。当设置为逻辑1(1)时,看门狗报警中断输出将被禁用。Tdm-Bit 2 Time of Day Alarm Mask-当Ipsw(参见Bit 6,Interrupt Switch)设置为逻辑一(1)时,启用/禁用要中断输出的Day Time Alarm。当设置为逻辑零(0)时,将启用时间报警中断输出。当设置为逻辑1(1)时,将禁用“时间报警中断输出”。Waf-位1看门狗报警标志-当看门狗警报中断发生时,这是一个设置为逻辑1(1)的只读位。当任何看门狗报警寄存器被访问时,该位被重置。当中断输出设置为脉冲模式(见位4,中断脉冲模式或电平模式)时,只有当中断输出激活时,标志才会设置为逻辑1(1)。
Wam - Bit 3 Watchdog Alarm Mask - Enables/Disables the Watchdog Alarm to Interrupt Output when Ipsw (Bit 6, Interrupt Switch) is set to logic zero (0). When set to a logic zero (0), Watchdog Alarm Interrupt Output will be enabled. When set to a logic one (1), Watchdog Alarm Interrupt Output will be disabled.Tdm - Bit 2 Time of Day Alarm Mask - Enables/Disables the Time of Day Alarm to Interrupt Output when Ipsw (see Bit 6, Interrupt Switch) is set to logic one (1). When set to a logic zero (0), Time of Day Alarm Interrupt Output will be enabled. When set to a logic one (1), Time of Day Alarm Interrupt Output will be disabled. Waf - Bit 1 Watchdog Alarm Flag - This is a read-only bit set to a logic one (1) when a Watchdog Alarm Interrupt occurs. This bit is reset when any of the Watchdog Alarm registers are accessed. When the Interrupt Output is set to Pulse Mode (see Bit 4, Interrupt Pulse Mode or Level Mode), the flag will be set to a logic one (1) only when the Interrupt Output is active.