业控制系统(ICS)是一个通用术语,用于描述硬件和软件与网络连接的集成,以支持关键基础设施。ICS技术包括但不限于监控和数据采集(SCADA)和分布式控制系统(DCS),工业自动化和控制系统(IACS),可编程逻辑控制器(PLC),可编程自动化控制器(PAC),远程终端单元(RTU),控制服务器,智能电子设备(IED)和传感器。看,大多数用于制造和发电厂,供水和污水处理厂,运输行业和其他关键基础设施运行的机械和工程部件都是愚蠢的,而那些计算机化的部件通常使用 专有 协议。他们所属的网络空洞而且受到外界保护。这种情况多年来发生了变化,今天ICS的组件通常直接或间接地与互联网连接。智能传感器技术和无线网络的进步使得操作技术(OT)与信息技术(IT)的融合成为可取且具有成本效益的。尽管速度提高,对条件的响应性更好以及IT / OT融合带来的可靠性提高 ,但在安全性方面存在缺陷。恐怖分子针对ICS的有针对性攻击对全世界大多数国家构成威胁。随着 用于输入变化的远程 遥测单元变得更能够进行本地控制,随着物联网(IoT)和 工业物联网的不断发展,保护ICS免受安全威胁的策略变得越来越重要。在美国,国土安全部(DHS)提出了保护工业控制系统的建议:使用应用程序白名单来保护基础架构免受可能有害的编程。实施配置管理和补丁管理控制以保持控制系统的安全。通过将网络划分为逻辑部分并限制主机到主机通信路径来减少攻击面区域。需要多因素身份验证并强制执行小权限原则(POLP)。要求远程访问由操作员控制和时间限制。监控控制网络内和ICS周边的流量。
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Varanasi says that “the good news is that when you get to 30 percent humidity, most deserts actually fall in this regime.” And even those that are typically drier than that tend to have higher humidity in the early morning hours, leading to dew formation, so the cleaning could be timed accordingly.
“Moreover, unlike some of the prior work on electrodynamic screens, which actually do not work at high or even moderate humidity, our system can work at humidity even as high as 95 percent, indefinitely,” Panat says.
In practice, at scale, each solar panel could be fitted with railings on each side, with an electrode spanning across the panel. A small electric motor, perhaps using a tiny portion of the output from the panel itself, would drive a belt system to move the electrode from one end of the panel to the other, causing all the dust to fall away. The whole process could be automated or controlled remotely. Alternatively, thin strips of conductive transparent material could be permanently arranged above the panel, eliminating the need for moving parts.
By eliminating the dependency on trucked-in water, by eliminating the buildup of dust that can contain corrosive compounds, and by lowering the overall operational costs, such systems have the potential to significantly improve the overall efficiency and reliability of solar installations, Varanasi says.
The research was supported by Italian energy firm Eni. S.p.A. through the MIT Energy Initiative.