产品标题:3BHE033067R0103 GCC960C103工控自动化控制卡 ABB使用配置手册
型号:3BHE033067R0103 GCC960C103
有两种方法可以从看门狗计时器读取一天中的时间。***种方法是通过将Te位(命令寄存器的位7)设置为逻辑零(0),然后读取Time of Day寄存器的内容,停止外部Time of Dayregister跟踪内部Time of Days寄存器。使用此技术可以消除读取时更改时间的可能性。读取结束时,Te位设置为逻辑1(1),允许外部时间寄存器恢复跟踪内部时间寄存器。当外部时间寄存器暂停时,内部时间寄存器继续保持时间,因此不会损失时间。这是推荐的方法。从看门狗定时器读取一天中的时间的***种技术是在不停止跟踪内部寄存器的情况下读取外部时间寄存器。不建议这样做,因为在读取过程中,寄存器可能会被更新,从而导致读取错误数据。
There are two techniques for reading the Time of Day from the Watchdog Timer. The first is to halt the external Time of Day registers from tracking the internal Time of Day registers by setting the Te bit (Bit 7 of the Command Register) to a logic zero (0), then reading the contents of the Time of Day registers. Using this technique eliminates the chance of the Time of Day changing while the read is taking place. At the end of the read, the Te bit is set to a logic one (1) allowing the external Time of Day registers to resume tracking the internal Time of Day Registers. No time is lost as the internal Time of Day Registers continue to keep time while the external Time of Day registers are halted. This is the recommended method. The second technique for reading the Time of Day from the Watchdog Timer is to read the external Time of Day registers without halting the tracking of the internal Registers. This is not recommended as the registers may be updated while the reading is taking place, resulting in erroneous data being read.