PC德国拜耳2405(高透明PC 2405)
PC德国拜耳2405(高透明PC 2405)
.专业PC 6357德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 1844德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 6717德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 6355德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 6487德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 6457德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 6455德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
DVD或CD光盘仍是聚碳酸酯消费的主要领域之一,拜耳公司预计2005年用于光学介质的PC消费量将达到77万t。日本帝人集团与新加坡合资的的生产装置,产品50%将用于光学介质。全球PC树脂两大主要生产商Bayer和GE致力于用于医用市场的PC树脂的新品开发。Bayer公司推Makrofol LP 209 PC薄膜及GE公司的3种Lexan PC:Lexan HPXSR、HPX4、HP1HF。聚碳酸酯工业化合成主要是界面光气化路线, 以双酚A为原料,使用光气、氢氧化钠和二氯甲烷为原料及反应助剂,此法工艺成熟,产品质量较高,易于规模化和连续化生产,经济性好。
.专业PC 6465德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 6267德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 2658德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 1853德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
.专业PC 1239德国拜耳PC 塑料原料
Huayun Plastic Company therefore this process line has long occupied the leading position in the production of polycarbonate. However, due to the use of raw materials phosgene highly toxic, in recent years, the major companies have to study non-phosgene production routes. In 1993, the non-phosgene process was successfully developed and industrialized by GE plastics Japan. Using bisphenol A and diphenyl carbonate as raw materials, the process is a green process that meets environmental requirements and has become the development direction of polycarbonate synthesis process in the future, it is expected that in the future, polycarbonate production will gradually occupy a dominant position.