PC 2207低粘度 抗紫外线 德国拜耳
食品级PC 1248德国科思创Makrolon 1248 中粘度PC食品级PC代理
PC德国科思创Makrolon 1260 低粘度PC塑胶原料代理
PC德国科思创Makrolon 1837 中粘度PC塑胶原料
防火PC 1844德国科思创Makrolon 1844 阻燃V0高粘度PC原胶原料
阻燃PC 1899 德国科思创Makrolon 1899中粘度PC阻燃防火V0塑料PC
抗紫外线PC 1954德国科思创Makrolon 1954低粘度抗UV塑料
PC 2205德国科思创Makrolon 2205低粘度
PC抗紫外线PC 2207德国科思创Makrolon 2207低粘度抗UV塑料
PC聚碳酸酯无色透明,耐热,抗冲击,阻燃,在普通使用温度内都有良好的机械性能。同性能接近聚甲基丙烯相比,聚碳酸酯的耐冲击性能好,折射***,加工性能好,不需要添加剂就具有UL94 V-0级阻燃性能。但是聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯相对聚碳酸酯价格较低,并可通过本体聚合的方法生产大型的器件。随着聚碳酸酯生产规模的日益扩大,聚碳酸酯同聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯之间的价格差异在日益缩小。聚碳酸酯的耐磨性差。一些用于易磨损用途的聚碳酸酯器件需要对表面进行特殊处理。
Huayun plastic company PC is an amorphous polymer of almost colorless glassy state with good optical properties. The notched impact strength of the cantilever beam is 600 ~ 900j/m. The thermal deformation temperature of the unfilled grade is about 130 ° °C. The value can be increased by 10 ° °c when the glass fiber is reinforced. The bending modulus of PC can reach over 2400MPA, and the resin can be processed into large rigid products. Below 100 ° C, the creep rate under load is very low. PC has good hydrolytic resistance, but can not be used for products subjected to repeated high-pressure steam. The main defects of PC are poor hydrolytic stability, sensitivity to notch, resistance to organic chemicals, poor scratch resistance and yellowing after long-term exposure to ultraviolet light. As with other resins, PC is susceptible to immersion in certain organic solvents.